Episode 1: Starting Today You're Are A Host Part:1

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As everyone settled down Kandy grab the remote and press play.

[Show birds passing by the school toward then scence change to Haruhi looking inside a room name Library Room #4 to show it crowed with people as she close the door]

"The thing I don't understand why theirs 4 Libraries but not any of them is quiet another for me to study" Haruhi said sweatdropping.

Haruhi: [Show her walking up the stairs]There are four whole library rooms, so why do they all have to be noisy?

"Exactlly my point" Haruhi said

"Oh my daring daughter if you wouldn't have met us if all the Libraries Rooms where empty" Tamaki said cooning Haruhi.

"Better than being forcefuly join in the Club" Haruhi whisper but no who heard.

Haruhi: [Walking down a hall while passing a big window] How are thing in heaven, Mom? I can't believe it's been then years huh, now.

Haruhi dad smile sadly at Haruhi. He knew how much Haruhi love Kotoko and how much she try to be like her.

Haruhi: [Walking down a different hall now] It seem like children of rich people come to school for the fun of it.

"Hey we do not" This time the twins said it. Haruhi just give them a 'Yes you do' kind of face and contine to watch.

[Door shows that say Music Room #3]

"Oh look Takashi this how Haru-chan meets us" Honey said while Mori just Grunts.

"Now I get to see what you do in this little Host Club of yours" Ranka said.

Secretly the other families wanted to know to.

Haruhi: An abandoned music room[Put her hand on the door handle] I guess this is about the only place where I can study in peaceand quiet.

"Think again Haruhi" The Twins said in sycn.

[Haruhi open the door to see roses and a bright light Hitachiin her]

"Do you guys gotta be so extra" Chika said to the towards the Host Club.

"But of course my good man" Tamaki said to Chika.

Host Club:Welcome[Show to Host Club]

Haruhi: When I open the door, there was the Host Club.

'Starting Today You're A Host'

"So this the tittles of episode 1"

Tamaki Voice Over: [Show the school] Those with the wherewithal first, in social standing and second, in money. Spend their time here, at the private Ouran Academy.[Show the school hallway] As such, Ouran Host Club is where handsome boys with too much time on their hands entertain and charm girls, who also have too much time on their hands.

"So your saying" Ranka took a quick pause and glared a Tamaki "That my Haruhi is a male prostitute with you guys"

"Its not like that Ranka I swear please belive me" Tamaki begged

"Can we do this during to break please I love this anime and I really want this to keep going" Kandy said bordly

Ranka started mummbling a few curse words before going back to the screen.

Show a clock ticking.

Haruhi freaking out.
Haruhi: H-Host Club

"Duh Haruhi what else would be in Music Room #3" The Twins said looking dumbfoundly at Haruhi. Watch made her glare at them.

"Hey why is that arrow pointing to that vase" Chika ask.

"You'll see" Kandy said getting annoyed by all the questions being ask

Twins: Oh, it's a boy

Kandy cough 'not'

Sorry it wasn't up sooner I am really busy with school and art school. I will maybe update Tomorrow or Monday bye PeePs

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2017 ⏰

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