Yeah it's cool

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I woke up tied up in a chair, in a place I didn't recognize. It was dark, with a single flickering light bulb. Classic. I already was struggling, pathetically, trying to escape. I hated being tied up, but everyone does. I tried to reach into my back pocket for the switchblade that I always keep on me, but he searched me. I was good at untying rope, but soon, I heard a voice chuckle from the corner, as a lighter lit a cigarette. "Well, well. poor little Mars, trying to escape. Ha, you have nothing to go back to. Everything you ever loved is dead. Our little Helena Marie." He stepped into the light, and I saw his tattoos, piercings, and his devilish smirk. "Fuck you, Iero." I spit at him, and it landed on his shoe. I saw the flame spark in his eye, and I knew it was coming. 

He briskly walked towards me, pulled the cigarette from his mouth, rolled up my sleeve, and pressed the glowing red edge to my skin. I didn't scream. I didn't cry. I endured it, because I'd rather die than live to rust on the ground. He went over to a work bench, poured a liquid over a white handkerchief, came over to me once again, covered my mouth and nose, and I immediate knew I was being drugged. 

I passed out. 

It's Just One More Thing I'll RegretWhere stories live. Discover now