Chapter 1

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He had a feeling that day. A feeling that something was going to go very wrong.

He was right. He knew that he was right as soon as he heard his phone ringing while he was at work.

"Hello?" Jay Halstead questioned?

"Is this Jay Halstead?" The person on the other end of he phone asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"This is Dr. Cleo Bennett at New York Memorial Hospital." She explained.

"What's wrong? Are Grace and Tom okay?" Jay nervously asked.

"I'm sorry Mr Halstead but they were in a car accident. I'm sorry, but they're gone." The doctor answered.

"What do you mean? They're gone?"

"They died, sir." As soon as the words got to his ears, his whole world stopped.

"Are you sure?" He whispered into the phone.

"I'm positive. I'm so sorry." The doctor said, trying to make him feel better.

"Do you need me to go there?" Jay asked.

"Yes. You are the only family that is listed in her files. The child's aswell."


~3 days later~

Today was the day that Jay Halstead had to bury his little sister and nine year old nephew.

He hadn't told anyone on the team what had happened, not even Erin. He knew that if he had, they would have insisted that they go with him for support. He would deal with them afterwards.

"Today we are here to celebrate and mourn the lives on Grace Amelia Halstead and Thomas Jay Halstead." The priest started. "Grace and Tom were and still are, loved by a lot of people, but God decided to take them from the ones who love them. They will be missed dearly. Now I would like to welcome Grace's brother and Tom's uncle, Jay Halstead."

Jay got up from his front row seat, and walked towards the priest. It was mainly friends of Grace and Tom in the other seats. Jay was the only family they had.

When Jay got over to the priest, they shook hands and tne priest took a seat.

"Um. I don't really know where to start. I didn't see much of Grace and Tommy but they were the only family that I had. I always tried to get Grace to move to Chicago with me but she just wanted what was best for Tom. Me and Grace were so close when we were little. It was me, Grace and Will. I thought that my family was perfect. It turns out Grace was the only perfect one. I'm going to miss them but I hope now, they both have the peace that they deserve." By the time Jay was finished, many tears were running down his cheeks.


When Jay got back to the hotel, he finally turned his phone back on to see that Erin had blown his phone up with messages. He had asked Voight for a couple personally days and that was it. He hadn't explained anything.

Erin: Are you okay?

Jay: I'm fine

Erin: Don't insult my intelligence Jay. I'm not stupid. Don't lie to me.

Erin: Do you want to come over? Or I could come to you."

Jay: That could be a problem...

Erin: Why? Where are you?

Jay: ... New York

Erin: What the fuck are you doing there!?

Jay: It's a long story. I'll be home tomorrow.

Erin: Jay, come one.

Jay: Goodnight, Erin.

Erin: Jay

Erin: Jay!

Erin: Fine. Good night.


Erin wanted answers. Jay had disappeared for for four days without an explanation. She knew something was wrong.

After their little text conversation the night before, Erin was a little less concerned but still worried.

She had asked Voight on tbe phone where Jay had gone, but he didn't know either.

She just had to wait a couple more hours for him to come home.

After another two hours of being stuck at home, worrying about her partner, Erin finally heard a knock on the door.

Erin got up of the couch and made her way over to the front door.

When she opened the door, a very tired looking Jay was there.

"What the hell happened?" Erin frantically asked.

"I'll tell you." He breathed out. "Let's sit down."

"Jay, what's going on?" Erin asked, getting worried.

They both moved over to the couch so Jay could explain everything.

"I had to go to New York because that's where my sister and nephew live." Jay starts. "I know that I never really talk about my family but it's because it's so fuck up, Erin."

"Okay." Erin whispered.

"I grew up here in Chicago. It was me, my mom, my dad, and my two little siblings, Grace and Will. Grace was two years younger and Will is three. We were all so happy until my mom died when I was fifteen. My dad went off the chart with the drinking so we had to fend for ourselves. I never left Chicago but Will and Grace moved to New York for a new start. I was already in the Rangers and I moved around a lot and I lost contact with my family. I haven't seen my dad in over twenty years, Will is still mad at me for joining the Rangers but Grace would never get angry at anyone." Tears started to roll down Jay's cheeks as he remember his sister. "When my nephew was born, I made the trip over to New York. At this time, I was stationed back home for a couple months so I actually got to see him. Will never showed up. He's only ever met Tom once. I was the only one there for her, Tommy's dad died while she was pregnant. She even named him Thomas Jay." Jay was trying his hardest to not burst out in tears.

"Jay, it's okay to cry." Erin said sadly.

"I can't. I will never finish if I start crying." Jay replied before carrying on. "Every two months I would come and visit her and Tommy. Occasionally Will would be there but we don't get along. The other day, I got a call from a doctor in New York. Grace and Tom were in an accident. They're both gone." At thid point, Jay couldn't keep the tears in. He started to cry, hard. "I hadn't seem them in six months. He was only nine. She was my little sister."

"Oh my god. Jay. I'm so sorry." Erin replied, pulling Jay into her arms. "It's gonna be okay."

When it happened they were both lying in her bed.

He was hurting, she was hurting for him. He needed comfort.

They were both aware that neither one of them were asleep. How could they sleep?

She rolled over so she was facing him. The look in his eyes broke her heart into two.

She didn't need him to say anything. They both wanted the same thing. They needed eachothers love.

She leaned over slowly and placed her lips on his. At first he was shocked. They had tried so long to keep it professional but they needed this.

The kiss soon got deeper when Erin raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck.

He managed to push his tongue into her mouth as he moved to hover over her.

"Erin? Are you sure?" Jay panted as he managed to break away from their makeour session.

"Yes. Make love to me." Erin replied, pulling at his neck so she could have his lips back on hers.

~The end~

A/N: Thank you for reading. There will possibly be a chapter 2.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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