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   It was moonhigh, Cedarpaw glanced up at the large tree in front of him. It was really tall, he couldn't even estimate how many tail-lengths it was. The same squirrel was in the same branch as it was earlier that day. Cedarpaw clenched his teeth, he would catch that squirrel.

   Cedarpaw jumped on the trunk. His claws quickly finding grip and letting go as he swiftly made his way up the trunk, his tail trailing behind him. Cedarpaw was surprised at how quiet he was being as he made his way up, he quickly cleared his mind. If he thought too much about how he was doing, he'd mess up.

   Cedarpaw was finally about a quarter tail-length  below the branch. The squirrel was close to the trunk, supposedly stuffing it's acorns in a hole it had made in the tree. Cedarpaw quickly jumped to the branch, fore-claws hooking in. Before the squirrel could blink, Cedarpaw grabbed it in his jaws. He bit down, feeling it go limp in his mouth.

   "Who's laughing now?" Cedarpaw grumbled, his mouth half-full of squirrel fur.

   Cedarpaw reached over to hook onto the tree trunk when his other paw gave in. He panicked as he fell a few tail-lengths, but he grabbed onto the trunk to break his fall. He growled in pain as his claws tore as he slid down the bark slightly.

   Cedarpaw was close enough to the ground that he could jump and land safely. He jumped and landed on all four paws on the ground. He widened his eyes. 

   He just caught a squirrel! He caught a squirrel! Cedarpaw jumped for joy as he made his way back to camp. His first piece of actual prey! He rushed back to camp, the squirrel in his jaws. Quickly, he dropped it in the fresh-kill pile, wondering which warrior would eat his first real piece of prey. Cedarpaw jumped onto the apprentice's tree and heaved himself into his hollow. He curled up in the feathered nest and closed his eyes. Maybe Emberpaw was right, he was going to be a great warrior!




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Warrior Cats: CloudClan's EndingWhere stories live. Discover now