Part 3: First Night

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All of the animatronics had gathered at the showstage. Puppet announced that Y/n would be staying with them for the time being, and that they were to treat them with respect. We were to act like they were one of us. Y/n seemed drawn to me for some reason or another. I was sitting off to the side, watching Puppet talk. Y/n came over to me and sat in my lap. I gave a small "Oof!" of surprise. I laughed softly and played with their hair. They seemed to enjoy that, quietly fidgeting with my bandages in a relaxed manner. One by one, the animatronics introduced themselves, starting with the originals and ending with the Funtimes. The animatronics were divided-some of them were uneasy with Puppet's idea, and others were eager to know Y/n better. I, for one, was in both camps. I was a little bit uncomfortable because Vincent was constantly pestering me about them. I wanted to know them better though. ...Why don't you ask them about their hobbies or something if you want to know them better? Vincent asked in my head.

"So, Y/n..." I started. "What do you like to do during the day?"

"Erm... I don't know. I usually hide all day." They responded.

"Why?" Are they like me? Vincent wondered. Are their parents abusive?

"Mom and dad don't... like me." Y/n said, avoiding my gaze. I could tell they were holding back tears, and I could hear light sniffles from them. I nodded my head slightly. Y/n put their head on my chest, snuggling closer. I wrapped my arms around them.

"It's very late, Y/n." I pointed out softly. "About 12:00 midnight. You should sleep." I nuzzled their hair. They fell asleep right in my arms. Chica brought over a blanket and laid it over them. I thanked her quietly. She smiled slightly before taking off down the hall. I heard a scream followed by a ton of swearing. Freddy must have tried to scare the night guard. I snickered. Silly night guard. This new one was a strange one alright. I didn't get to see him myself, and the only thing I know about him was that his name is Mark. Y/n shifted in my lap. I fell asleep soon after.

I woke up early the next morning. I picked up Y/n and put them in the Parts and Service room, where I would be able to keep an eye on them. They were still sound asleep. I smiled at him. They were so cute. I didn't want them to leave for two or three reasons. Reason one, they didn't seem to want to go back. Their parents didn't sound like the nicest people. Reason two, I enjoyed their company. No other animatronic would dare to cuddle with me before, but Y/n wasn't afraid of me. Third reason... they intrigued Vincent. Vincent wasn't whispering in my ear to kill them anymore. Instead, he kept asking me to relay questions to them. Wake them up and ask them... Vincent demanded. I ignored him. Y/n shifted and opened their eyes. Puppet chose this exact moment to walk in.

-Their Love- (FNAF x Child!Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant