Untitled Part 1

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*Deans pov*

New town, new school, new job, new hotel, and going to be leaving it all soon. I drop Sammy off at middle school then drive to my new high school. I pull into a parking spot beside a crappy looking car. Since the driver backed in our doors are right beside each other and we both open our doors at the same time, I quickly close mine so baby doesn't get hurt. A guy about my age gets out with messy black hair and dorky looking clothes. I open my door once he's out of the way. "Hey! You almost hit my car!" I say as I get out he turns and looks me up and down then grabs a bunch of books out of the back seat of his car. "Truly sorry, but I was here first so that means you almost hit me." I stare at the guy not believing his nerve, blaming me for almost damaging my car. I pull out a pack of cigarettes and light one up shaking my head. "You shouldn't smoke, it's bad for you." The guy says, I look him up and down noticing he's too tiny to have such a loud mouth. "Yea, but it calms me down. It's my first day and you've already pissed me off." I say while leaning on my driver side door, the other guy closes his back door then leans on it. "I'm Castiel, I could show you around if you want?" He says with a small smile, I nod my head then stomp out my smoke. "Alright Cas let's go." I start to follow him to the office, as soon as we are in the front office people start talking away to him. They hand him a paper then we are leaving. "Looks like we have every class together. Didn't take you for an astrology person." Cas says as we walk towards I'm guessing our first class, Sam picked all my class guess he thought it was funny to put me in some nerd class. "Well I'm full of secrets Cas."

Today went buy pretty well, Cas and I hung out all day. We talked at lunch about different teams they had here I missed joining football but they have baseball. At the end of the day both of us were walking to our cars in silence. "I hope you had a good first day Dean." Cas says once we reach our cars. "I did, thanks Cas." I say with a smile, he suddenly gets nervous and looks at the ground kicking the pavement a little, I wait for him to say something. "Because you came in half way through first semester you will have a lot of school work to catch up on. I could come over and help you, I mean if you want." He says still looking down, I smile a little. "I would like that Cas." Once the words fall from my lips his head snaps up in surprise and happiness. In all honesty I don't care about school, but if it makes Cas happy why not. "I have to pick up my little brother from middle school, but you can flow me if you like." Cas nods then hops in his car, me flowing after getting into baby.

Once we get back to the motel Sam, runs for the door not having said a word the whole drive. I walk to our room with Cas flowing behind me. "So what subject do you want to start with?" He says as soon as we are past the door. "We don't have to study right away Cas, we can relax a little." He blushes a little at that, I go to say something else but am cut off. "Dean who's this? Your boyfriend or something?" Sam asks from where he's getting his homework out at the table, I roll my eyes at his comment. Sam and I are both into guys; I'm bi and Sam's pan, but Dad's real homophobic so we decided not to bring guys that we like home. But I just met Cas and just because he's cute and has the perfect after sex messy hair doesn't mean I like him. "Sammy this is Cas, Cas this is my annoying little brother Sammy." I say glaring at him a bit. Sam puts his hand out for Cas to shake, Cas blushing a little at Sam's earlier statement. "So are you guys like just hanging out or..." Sam as looking at me, I glare at him a little more. "I'm here to help Dean with his school work. I can help you too if you'd like?" Cas says, Sam raises his eyebrows at me in a little but of disbelieve and I nod.

Sam smiles at Cas. "That'd be great if you could help me. I'm a little behind right now, my last school was teaching us something completely different." Sam says and Cas nods getting put some of his books from his bag. "I'm going to make dinner. Is mack and cheese okay?" They both nod their head then get back into talking about school and different projects they've done, nerds. After dinner Cas has helped Sam catch up on 2 of his 4 subjects and has helped me in 1. "I can come back tomorrow to help, if you would like." Cas says and before I can even say yes Sam is saying yes and thank yous to him. I smile at the both of them, liking how my new friend is getting along with my brother. "Cas can you stay for a movie? You've helped us with school work all night, why don't we relax a little?" I ask Cas looks from Sammy to me, Sam looks like I just gave the best idea in the world. Cas nods and we all head over to the couch, Sam runs to the tv and picks a movie without showing us. The Disney begging cedits start to roll and I groan throwing my head back. Cas giggles, fucking giggles at me cutest thing I've ever heard. "Dean's it's not that bad! It's just Finding Nemo, and no its not a baby movie." Sam says I groan again, Cas and Sam both roll their eye at that. Cas is sitting a good distance beside me, like friends do. I put my arm on thr back of the couch so my fingers are behind him. "Sam do you want to sit on the couch? I'll move over." So Cas moves closer to me so he's only a few inches away and Sam sits beside him. By the end of the movie Cas is curled up asleep on my chest and Sam is making kiss faces at me. "Go to bed, bitch." I say and he's rolls his eyes. "Jerk" He says as he walks towards the bathroom. I don't have heart to wake Cas up so I slowly lay him down on the couch fetching him one of my pillows and blankets. I kiss him on the forehead wishing he was awake then go and get ready myself.

All night Castiel was tossing and turning, I was afraid he was going to fall off the couch and hurt himself. At around 2am I went over and carefully picked him up, moving him to lay on my bed. I went to go sleep on the couch when he grabbed my arm and pulled me so I was chest to chest with him. He started mumbling about how he hates sleeping alone and how much he loves white castle burgers. I move myself on to the bed so I'm spooning him from behind, and fall asleep almost instantly.

The next morning I wake up to someone hitting me in the face and something heavy on my chest. Before I open my eye I swat away what ever is hitting my face, which Sam let's out a "Jerk" and I reply with "bitch". I open my eyes to see Cas asleep on my chest, looking like an angel. I here Sam give a huff then walk to the bathroom, I shake Cas a little. "Cas it's time to wake up." I say in a sweet voice as I possibly can. "Five more minute please." He grumbles them hugs my torso tighter. I chuckle a little at how cute he is, I rub soothing circles in his back. "Come on Cas get up and I won't get a bucket of water." I say, Cas nods his head and slowly open his eyes. He looks cofused as to where he is, he looks around and when his eyes landed on me he blushes a bright red then slowly starts to move away. "Morning sunshine." I say and tighten my arms around him a little to show him that it's okay. "You fell asleep last night and I didn't want to wake you then you kinda pulled me onto the bed too and started snuggling. Not that I mind!" I quickly added explaining what happened, hopefully he doesn't feel weird about it. I think I'm starting to like Cas; the way he smiles, giggles, gets excited over school, likes cheesy Disney movies, and definitely his messy morning hair. I hope he's gay or bi, and I really hope he likes me.

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