Insecurity Can Suck

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Have you ever felt the need to impress people? Like wear a ton of makeup to hide Insecurities? Like it it was some kind of mask? In fear you would be unloved and hated for how you naturally looked?

Well that was me two years ago...

Exactly two years ago was possibly the darkest year of my life.. Everyday during that whole year, I did everything in my power to look the stereotypical idea of "Perfect" in society. It would often cause me to lose sleep because I would wake up unrealistically early to do my makeup, it would cause me to lose money that I could use to buy school lunch so I wouldn't go without, it would cause my skin to breakout way worse than it already did. And I felt the need to do this everyday for people that I didn't even know and that didn't care who I was. 

But eventually a year later, I decided to be brave.. I woke up one morning and decided that I would try going to school without makeup for a change. And it was definitely an eye opening experience. I finally realized that I didn't need to do anything at all to impress anyone. They simply didn't care that I wore makeup or not. No matter how I looked, people still talked to me, people still was friends with me, people even still thought I looked beautiful. So I started not wearing makeup for a long time in awhile... And so many changes happened afterwards.

My acne started clearing up!

I got more sleep that helped make dark circles under my eyes disappear!

I finally was able to use my money for school lunch that helped me get healthy!

I started to realize my natural beauty!

I finally accepted myself for who I was!

And most importantly, I finally started loving myself...

And since then, I've worn makeup less and continued to value and love myself for how I truly look. And I never feel the need to wear makeup as much as I did. From now on I promise to always stick to that no matter what. 

This is MY #MindOverMatter story about overcoming my Insecurity!

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