Chapter 11: Not the only ones that know

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"Those men refused to make an alliance with us. They refuse to make an alliance with anybody acctually." You eyed Hoseok who was still standing behind the counter. He wasn't close enough to hear your conversation but you were still practically risking everything.

JB crossed his legs then reaching for the cup. "In this area alliances are very common so we were very surprised that their leader rejected my offer"


"BTS's leader Kim Namjoon that fucker." He smirked darkly while looking inside the cup.

BTS? Is that their gang's name?

"Okay, he rejected..why did that cause such a feud if he did so without a fight"

"That's what we thought. When I went home that day I tried to contact one of my allys to make them aware of BTS"

You nodded your head.

"I couldn't get in contact with them...Because while I was with Namjoon... his boys terminated them"

Your eyes widened.

"I have no idea why or how. All I know that it was them."

"How are you sure?" You asked

JB raised his head. He pursed his lips while reaching for his pocket. You eyed Hoseok from the corner of your eye, looking at JB. Your heart began to beat faster As Hoseok's eyes turned dark. JB pulled out his cellphone then moved his hand towards you. You gently reached for the cellphone in it.

You turned on the phone revealing a picture security camera screenshot of four women sitting in chairs, lifeless and blood gushing from their foreheads. They were shot and killed but what's you tremble more was the fact that three familiar boys were next to the dead girls.

"Those men.."

"Those are three members of BTS. Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung, and Park Ji Min"

You gulped roughly as your eyes stared more into the black and white picture. You couldn't see much except the bodies and and the three men. Until Jimin caught your eye.

He was saying right at the security camera with the same look he's given you many times. It was almost like he was staring at you right through the screen.

JB grabbed the phone and put it back into his pocket with a heavy sigh. You almost let out a whine. "After this happened our gang has become weaker. We've lost allys before but those women were almost like our sisters..." You stared at him as his became teary "around the area they were known as the WG gang"

He looked up at me with dark eyes. "I put classified information and that picture in a flashdrive"

Your heart skipped a beat. So the flshdrive does comtain information against them.

"We were transporting it but it was taken by them right before the delivery made its way...Same with Namjoon. In vengeance for our sisters, we were planning on turning Namjoon and his boys in"

"To jail?"

He chuckled "No...its the same place where his life went down the drain"

Your eyebrows furrowed.

"We have our hackers too, so we probably know the same amount of things they know about us"

Your face fell. The space between you grew silent and the only sound of plates clanking, people chatting, and coffee machines blending filled the atmosphere. It felt like you were frozen and the world around you kept going.

"W-what do y-you know?" You stuttered.

"We. Know. Every. Thing."

You backed away from JB. His eyes that were once filled with tears are now filled with a dark..dark expression"

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