Chapter 45: Remember Me

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 After jumping out the van you ran. Ran and had no idea where you were going next. 

You looked beside you and they were running too. Just like you, they had no idea where they were going.

Like you, they feared the endless possibilities. But like you, they were desperate. Desperate for an escape even if it meant that there would be no happy ending.


The day had quickly turned to night. 

By that time everyone was cold, tired and hungry. Because it was a sudden action, no one had any idea what to do next. Namjoon had ruined the only chance there was to track down Mr. Moon. You were all completely lost on what to do next. But for now the only important thing was to find somewhere to stay the night or else you'll freeze to death.

"Do you even have any idea where you're taking us?" Yoongi growled.

Not gonna lie, you were wondering the same thing. Jimin had taken lots of turns and said that he was on the right track like five streets ago. Now you guys are in a sketchy neighborhood with hardly any cars passing by. 

"Trust me. I think we're almost there."

Yoongi shivered as he suck his hands deeper into his armpits for warmth. He had given his jacket to Jennie long before the sun had went down and now he's paying for being nice to the girl. 

Jimin suddenly stopped. He looked at the building and sighed. He turned to look at you.

"We're here"

It was old and looked run down. Considering the neighborhood it must not be doing so well. But how the heck does Jimin recall the exact address of such a hidden motel.

"Thank god." Yoongi walked faster and was the first to go inside. 

As soon as the doors closed you saw Jimin cringe.

"What's wrong? You asked. 

"N-nothing. Let's get inside." 

As soon as you stepped inside you could hear a loud dinging sound. You then realized that it was just Yoongi continuously tapping the front desk bell.

You looked around as you waited for the owner to arrive. 

It was a very small entrance. The door and the desk were only few feet apart and there weren't any waiting chairs. The only other doorway had a colorful beaded curtain that didn't fit the place at all. 

You overheard Jimin begging Yoongi to stop tapping the bell but that only made the elder tap it even more violently. 

Jennie stepped towards the front desk. Waiting in silence under all of Yoongi's Dinging. Her eyes then landed on the only framed picture on the desk. Out of boredom her hand reached for it, turning it over and looked at the picture that was framed. 

It was a girl. In the picture she was wearing a school uniform and she looked only a few years younger than Jennie in it. She was cute. 

Before she could look at her name tag the sounds of the beads hitting one another startled her. She quickly set the frame down and stepped back.

Unlike Jennie Yoongi did not back away from the bell when the owner entered the lobby. The man made eye contact with him until the owner stepped behind the desk and took the bell away before Yoongi could tap it once more. 

"How may I help you?" The owner asked. 

"We need two rooms." Yoongi said blatantly. 

"Please" Jimin said shortly after.

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