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                                                          Now we have....The_Experiment

ME: What is your favourite watt pad book?

The_Experiment:  probably "True Born", at the moment at least

ME:what advice would you give new wattpad members?

The_Experiment: just be yourself, and continue writing, and even if you dont get a lot of attention at first, don't worry. ^.^

ME:Why did you join watt pad?

The_Experiment: my friends told me about it and i just decided to upload my books to see what would happen

ME:who is your favourite author on watt pad?

The_Experiment: i don't really have a favourite.

 Mewhy did you get wattpad?

The_Experiment: to see whether people liked my books or not

ME:out of the books you wrote which one is your favourite?

The_Experiment: Eltor: the Faeri's Keeper. it was a heap of fun to write ^.^

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There you go! I finally got the chance to interview The_Experiment! Her books are amazing you should go check them out!

Interviews of my Favorite Wattpad MembersWhere stories live. Discover now