Day one

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"Your so cute"
"Yeah you've been to nice and helpful these past weeks ,all this time with you it's been great"
"I've felt the exact same way, just sad the semesters over and we won't see each other as much"
"Yeah I really enjoyed your help with this math tutoring"
"It was no problem I would gladly help you again" im pretty sure by that point you could see the heart in my eyes
" I really did not want a tutor at first,especially when my parents told me it would be someone a year younger than me.I thought it would be boring and so embarrassing,but i'm glad I went through with it and got to meet you"

I was convinced this was my moment,he's not giving me any negative signs.So I leaned in, this was it.

and as I do he turns to get something out of his bag "I'm so glad we met, not only did I get a passing grade but i also got a friend, or maybe even a SISTER " he said as he gave me a gift " this is from my mom and I its a small thankyou she picked it out for you" boom that's when i felt my heart drop and pulled back did he really just say that. He just wanted to be friends,did he really have to throw in the word sister??? That made it worse I said as i placed my face in my hands and dropped into my friends lap

"How could I be so stupid?tell me Olivia"

"Anyone could have mistaken his signals. I guess he was just really charming and friendly"
"I guess. He could have at least said the gift was his idea,but no he was just the messenger. Not only did he kill my dreams of him, of us but he stomped on it before he left just to make it clear he wasn't interested "I said as I sat back up and she pushed the hairs out of my face.
"Oh my sweet sweet Zoey my little lover girl,you fall too hard to quick.we will find you someone soon i promise. And on that note are we still on for tonight ?"
"I don't know I'm not in the mood"
"Come one it'll be fun,Camilla,Julia,and Ingrid will be there."
"I don't know I kinda just wanna stay in watch Netflix and eat a pint of ice cream and never see a boy again"
"Come one you've gotta come,we're celebrating the end of semester and that we all did well, plus you you you don't mean that last bit "
" I don't think I'll go and I do mean it"
" your going come on"
"It's just I'm not in the mood , I tried so hard this semester to get closer to him and I was convinced that something between us was happening and then this happens."
" and that's exactly why you need to go out tonight,it'll help you forget about him and maybe you'll find someone new."
with that she left walking into my closet while I was left to talking.

"I can't even get my mind off of him and those words, I can't fathom the thought of boys right now"

"Here" she came out with clothes and handed the to me "wear this"
"Why? I would much rather enjoy a pair of pj's"

"You can't wear pajamas to go out,go on now, put them on."
I knew she wouldn't give up so I just went into my closet and changed.
"I'm only doing this because you're my best friend and I trust you and I trust that you'll help me get through this,but i'm not looking at boys today"

I came out and rolled my eyes as she complimented me

"Thank you, I told you changing would make you feel better and as for that last part you don't even believe it"

She then sat me at the chair and applied some mascara,blush and
Lipstick on me,nothing much really.

"I'll bet you $20 that i give no boy my attention today" I told he as she finished my mascara

"These will be the easiest 20 i make" olivia said as she closed the mascara and handed me the mirror i did look pretty and already felt the slightest bit less sad. And I would try my best to keep away from boys,I've been hurt too many times.

I walked down the stairs with Olivia to see my mom sitting in the living room getting some work done and quickly told her I was going out with Olivia.

We got in the car and on our way to pick up Camilla,Julia and Ingrid at Ingrid's house.
"So where are we going?" I asked, the girls had planed this out a few days earlier and i was out of the loop
"You'll see"
"Come on now I don't like surprises"
"You won't have to wait long"
As we pulled up to Ingrid's they were all outside waiting for us they got in and Julia said "who's ready for bowling!!!"
"You had to ruin the surprise"Olivia said to Julia
"Sorry I forgot"
"Not bowling, please we can go anywhere else,why do you like to make me embarrass myself"

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