Day three

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It had been a week since the terrible heartbreak and meeting the new lover boy

a new semester had started,Mondays and Wednesday afternoons were free and a free hour in school was going well I guess. Home was home,strict,making sure I took the best classes to get into a good school and maintained my 4.0 gpa if not better.It was now Thursday and I had yet to tell my friends that they had plans for the after noon.I was planning on telling Olivia and Camilla during our free hour and they would tell Ingrid and Julia later.
We sat in the back of the library working on math homework,I was still excited for later
"So we're going out tonight"
They both looked at me a bit confused since they were usually the ones making plans
"I'm free"Camilla said looking toward Olivia
"So am I why?"
"Oh well cause you guys are coming to the fair with me"
"We are"Olivia said
"Since when do you decide where I go?"
"Since age 4 when we first met"
"Which one are we even going"Camilla asked
"To the one on the pier"
"And we're going there why?"
"Because I just think it'll be fun i want to spend time with you guys before everything gets crazy"
"Might this have anything to do with anything else or ANYONE else??"
"Why would you say that?"
"Because it's a school night and you hate the pier this time of year"Olivia said
"Yeah you say it's full of teenagers that think they're in love and the smell of fish is at its highest"Camilla added
"People change plus the weathers nice today"
"Fine,fine we'll go"Camilla said
"Can you pass the message along to the others"
"Sure I see them next I'll tell them"Camilla said
"What time is it again"
"See you there then"
The bell then rang and Camilla went to class and Olivia and I walked to gym
"So I guess your coming to my house after school"Olivia said
"No your coming to mine"
"Fine"she said, a bit annoyed she didn't necessarily like the vibe she got from my house but it didn't stop her from going.
~After school ~
We walked to my house most of the walk talking about Random nonsense when we got there I greeted my mom. My father was at some type of business thing,I'm not sure couldn't really care.
"So can you help me with something"
"Sure what is it"Olivia said
"Well I'm a bit nervous for tonight"
"Why I thought it was only a get together with friends"
"He'll be there?"she said as a question but it was more of a statement
"They'll be there" I answered
"Yeah him and his 3 friends"

"well then should I help you get ready,are you sure this isn't just a friend thing i would understand one friend but him plus 3 idk just don't get your hopes up sweets "

"Please help me and i won't I'll l tone my inner cupid down"

we went into my closet and after what felt like an hour and half of my wardrobe on the ground we finally decide on an outfit for myself,it was something casual but with a little bit to show that I tried at least a bit.Oh how would I ever get over those ocean eyes and that smile.I snapped out of my thought and came out of the bathroom and looked in the mirror

"thanks so much for you help, I love it "

"Its no problem,it's nice to have someone take my fashion advice,i mean you are the sister I never had"

"but,you have a sister"

"she's eight and doesn't listen to me or any of my advice she does her own thing, but itll be her who regrets her fashion choices later on i guess " she said with a bit of a chuckle

"shouldn't you be getting ready as well"and with that she picked an outfit quick and we moved onto make up nothing much just a natural look

we were just out the door half an hour late but he did say sixish so i guess i was on time,that was when my father was pulling into the driveway

"where are you off to?"

"i'm just gonna go hang out with olivia at the mall"

"it's a school night so make sure your home in a hour and a half max for dinner"

Teen dad (Luke and Zoey)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя