Chapter 10

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Omaigadddd... Madoc!!!!

He fell from top of the stairs. Cepat2 trus sa lari pergi dekat dia. Panik suda sa nampak banyak keluar dari kepala dia. Automatik sa pergi peluk Madoc then taruh kepala dia sana atas paha sa.

"B.... no no no no nooooooooo!!!"

This is all my fault. If I didn't leave him in the first place, he wouldn't felt down the stairs.

"I'm sorry B. I'm so sorry."

"Madocccc!!!" - Datin Josepha

Berlarian diorang Datin Jo sama Marion turun dari atas. Panik diorang nampak Madoc tidak sedarkan diri.

"Please please God... let Madoc be ok."

"Stay away from him!!!!! Noooo

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Stay away from him!!!!! Noooo... my sonnnnn.... look what have u done. I warned u. Not once, not twice but I warned u over and over!! You've caused enough damaged for my son to suffered." - Datin Jo

Automatik trus tangan sa berhenti belai2 Madoc. Datin Jo tolak ja badan sa dari Madoc. I feel helpless.

"Mother, please don't do that. It's not her fault. Madoc felt down on his own." - Marion

Marion pegang bahu sa yang masih lagi completely in shock. Sudahlah kena tuduh kasih jatuh Madoc, kena tolak lagi jauh2 dari Madoc.

"Madoc ran down the stairs to chase her so it's obviously her fault!!! If only you didn't pretending to leave him, we wouldn't be in this situation now! God damn it, where is the damn car already??? Buiiiiiii!!!!!!!" - Datin Jo

Berteriakan sudah Datin Jo sana panggil orang2 dia. Diorang pun kelam kabut cepat2 pergi angkat Madoc.

I'm felt helpless. Seriously. Pernah ka kamu rasa yang kamu ndak boleh buat pa2. Mau tulung pun ndak boleh. Mampu tinguk dari jauh ja. Gitu la sa rasa sekarang.

Dari tadi airmata sa jatuh bercucuran di pipi. Madoc pun makin jauh dari pandangan. She's right. If only I didn't ran away from him, Madoc wouldn't be in that situation. Omaigossshhh.... this is all my fault. I bring bad luck to him.

"Please don't listen to her Flon. I know what you are thinking right now. It's not your fault." - Marion

"No Marion. It is all my fault. I think your mother is right. I'm no good to him. He keep on having trouble whenever I'm around him."

Macam sa mahu lari cepat2 dari sana. Sa ndak sanggup sudah mahu stay lama2 di dalam rumah ni. Automatik sa berdiri then jalan menuju ke pintu keluar.

"Please Flonnn... my brother need you now. Please don't leave him for good." - Marion

"I need him too, Marion. But I have to think whats best for him. I couldn't even be by his side right now. He's better off without me. Do me a favor Mar, don't force us again. Don't try to reunite us again. Whats past is past. Let me hold our memories forever in my heart and please let him move on. Don't punish him for the untold memories between us."

The Kusai From My Past (The Kusai Series #2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora