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"10!" All the judges shouted at the same time holding up the sparkly ten paddles high in the air. I immediately jumped into my partners arms as everyone cheered for us. "The first perfect score of the season! How do you guys feel?" Erin said still in disbelief that we managed to pull this off. My partner, still trying to catch his breath from everything that has happened in the last 10 minutes, began to speak "I mean this is just incredible I can't believe that we managed to get the first perfect score of the season! And I definitely would no- Jenna. Jenna? Jenna!" The last thing I heard before everything went dark.

"Beep. Beep. Beep" I wake up to the sound of what seems like a monitor. I turn my head slightly to see exactly that. A heart monitor. It is then I know where I am. As I turn my head to the other side I see a nurse standing over me holding what seems to be an IV bag "Miss Johnson! Good to see you're awake. I'll let the doctor know" she said before walking out of the room. I nodded in agreement only to then realize I have no idea what happened or how I got here. A sudden pain shoots through my head as I raise up my arm to feel a gauze bandage on my right temple. "Hello Miss Johnson. I'm Doctor Murphy, nice to meet you" still in a confused state I manage to respond "whats going on. What happened?" Doctor Murphy looks at me with a sympathetic look "well yes. Thats what I wanted to talk to you about. To start do you have any recollection of what happened tonight?" I shake my head in denial "earlier this evening you lost consciousness and hit your head which would explain the bandage on your head" I bring my hand up to feel the bandage once again "now Miss Johnson I must ask. Have you had any prior medical conditions?" I nod "just Asthma. I was told it is exercised induced?" Doctor Murphy looks down as if he just watched someone die "well there is no real easy way to say this but you don't have asthma. You have cancer." Tears form in my eyes and begin steaming down my face "but its curable. Right?" The doctor shakes his head "unfortunately Miss Johnson you have Clear Cell Sarcoma. One of the most deadly of the sarcomas and there is no cure. This is the most painful thing to say but, you have only 7 Days to live" I am at this point unable to make a sentence let alone find the words for one. How could this happen to me? Why did this happen to me. There is so much I have wanted to do and now I only have 7 days to live? "I'm going to get your discharge papers ready and then I will be back" the doctor said leaving the room. I can't even begin to think. How was I going to tell my family, friends, or fiancée? What are we going to do about the season? How am I going to live the rest of my life in just 7 days. The doctor comes back with the papers which discharge me from the hospital.
As I exit the building and enter my car I begin to think. If I only have 7 days to live I am going to do it right. I have 7 things I've always wanted to do and 7 people in my life I need to deliver an important lesson to. I am going to make these 7 Days count

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