Day 1

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"Miss Johnson you have cancer"
I woke up in a state of shock thinking it was a dream only to remember that this was the conversation I had last night. The conversation between Doctor Murphy and I kept playing in my head last night, like a song on repeat. I turn over to check my phone to see that it's 10:00 am. I immediately unlock my phone and text the first person on my seven day list. After I received a response I got up and got ready for the day.

It didn't take me long to get ready and out the door. Before I knew it I was out the door and on my way to pick up my first guest. Once I arrived, I honked the horn to see a blonde young man coming out of the front door. The young blonde approached my car, opened the door, and took a seat.

"Hey Jenna!" He said embracing me in a slight hug. "Hey Derek! You ready?" Derek let out a slight chuckle "for not knowing where we're going, I'm as ready as I'll ever be." This statement caused me to laugh. When I decided to do this, I also decided to not tell everyone where I would be taking them. That way there is no way for them to turn back. As we approached the building I saw the expression on Derek's face immediately change from excited to nervous.

"Tattoos? Your last dying want is to get a tattoo?" Derek questioned getting out of the car. I laughed "well its my last dying want with you" Derek again looked confused "why me?" I shook my head with a smile. He would find out why later. As we walked into the shop, we went through all the typical paperwork and then it was time to decide what we wanted.

"Derek. I already know what I want you to get" Derek's eyes widened "oh you have an idea for me?" I simply nodded and then pushed past him to the artist. After a few minutes of conversation, the artist had perfected the design I wanted for both myself and for Derek. I went first getting 'March 17,2014' on my wrist, the first episode of Dancing With The Stars I was ever on. After my tattoo was wrapped up it was Derek's turn. I coule tell he was nervous not only cause I was choosing what he was getting permanently onto his body but also because this was his first tattoo. Derek has been talking about getting a tattoo for as long as I can remember. His only problem is that he was afraid of something permanently being on his body. This is why I knew the perfect tattoo for him. The word 'commit'.

After the process was done, Derek down and then back up at me "commit?" I could tell he was confused. I took a deep breath "yes Derek. Commit. I know you have been wanting a tattoo for a long time but you were afraid to commit to it. I see that a lot in your life. Not only with things like tattoos but also in dances and relationships. Don't be afraid to commit to Hayley. You are so in love with her Derek and she is so in love with you. I know you have been thinking about purposing for a while but you're scared. But do it Derek. Commit." I saw tears forming in Derek's eyes. He immediately came over and embraced me in a hug "that is the most meaningful thing anyone has ever done or said to me." I could tell he was in shock about how I knew all of this. I smiled "just promise me, that you will commit" Derek nodded with a smile "I promise"

Day One: Commit

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