The part you've been waiting for.. The Deaths.. - 3

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Ist Death - Destorm (The Railroad Tycoon)

2nd Death - Jesse (The Outlaw)

3rd Death - Andrea (The Mystic)

4th Death - Tyler (The Thespian)

5th Death - Liza (The Explorer)

6th Death - Tana (The Saloon Girl)

7th Death - Allison (The Helper to them and Liza is reserected)

8th Death - Lauren (The Engineer)

9th Death - Joey (The Savant)

Survivors - Ariana (The Empress)
- Gabbie (The Vaudevillian)
- Alex (The Novelist)
- Liza (The Explorer)

Next Chapter!! :)

Escape The Night: My dream death orders and new characterWhere stories live. Discover now