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There's almost no one outside. People have their hoods on or hold umbrellas in their gloved hands. I haven't felt the rain in so long, it feels good.
I put my hands in my jacket pockets and walk down the sidewalk, away from the apartments.
It suddenly occurs to me that I have no idea where I live. I don't know what city or state I'm in. I tell myself to ask people but every time I try they seem to be in a hurry.

"Excuse me ma'am, what city is this?" I ask a woman with blond hair. She's standing at a bus stop.
"You're in Manchester, darling. You're American?" I nod, not knowing how to respond. I'm in England? It's then that I notice the cars driving on the opposite side of the road.
My mind feels like it's going to explode with the amount of questions. How did I get here? How long have I been here? How old am I?
"Miss? Are you alright?" She seems concerned.
"Yes, just thinking," I reply. I sit down on the bus stop bench. She sits down next to me.
"I'm Kara. Kara Scott. And what's your name?" She smiles at me. I relax a little. She's extremely kind.
"I'm Caden."
"Well Caden, are you travelling with anyone? A tour group, maybe?" Mrs. Scott asks me. I shake my head.
"No, I'm here by myself right now."
Well, if you need any help getting around, I can be a guide," she says as she hands me a business card. I read it.  At the top it says London Law Office.
"You work at a law office?" I ask. Maybe she can help in more ways than one.
"Yes! I'm a lawyer." I nod.
A bus pulls up and Mrs. Scott stands up.
"This your bus too?" I shake my head.
"No, the next one," I say, still sitting on the bench.
"It was nice meeting you, Caden," she smiles at me.
"You too," I shake her hand.
And as she enters the bus, I see a small streak of blue lightning in the reflection of the glass as she passes through the bus finding her seat. The side of the bus reads  "Route 38: Manchester to London"
And for the first time in a long time, I smile.
I know where to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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