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Sometimes, watching darkness is just the same as watching light.

Except in darkness, you don't catch moods, glances, stares, or physical barriers that society conveys.

Instead, you catch a glimpse of yourself.

You catch feelings, you catch thoughts, you catch the ultimately satisfying feeling of being in touch with your true self.

When you're staring up at the dark, empty ceiling.

When your heart, mind, and soul resonates with the plethora of darkness.

The limitless repertoire of the blank and empty.

In the light, you don't see these thoughts.
This side.
These feelings.
This mental barrier.

In the darkness you see your thoughts.
Scattered. Organised. Shattered.

You see past hopes. Broken dreams. Then, the reality of it all.

You see yourself.
But you don't, at the same time.

You're in another dimension.
But you know you're still subconsciously fixated on our one.

In the darkness,
You see the light.
You see you.

You see everything.
But you see nothing too.

Lost In My MindWhere stories live. Discover now