Chapter Forty-Five

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SOUNDTRACK: "The Way You Move" - Outkast

"And that's another goal for Winterlake!" the announcer said over the speakers.

The audience cheered loudly and Jared clapped along with everyone else. He had no idea what was going on, but everyone around him was cheering, so he figured he should, too. He watched as Kate walked away from the goal toward the other end of the field.

"Wait, what just happened?" he asked Shannon.

Shannon leaned over. "She just scored. Seriously dude, pick up a damn book and read about it," he said over the crowd noise.

The two men were at Kate's first game with the main soccer team. She'd been second string until that week and Jared wanted to be there to support her. Sure, his method of support was to sit at the very top of the stands with a black beanie pulled low over his face, sunglasses shielding his eyes from the mid-afternoon light, and an army green jacket with the collar turned up, but he was still there.

He watched as the goal keeper launched the ball down the field and Kate caught it with her chest. He had never seen her play and so far, he had experienced a good deal of regret at that fact. She was really talented. Like, she could easily play professionally if she wanted to. If women's soccer was a bigger deal, she would probably do very well with it as a career.

She ran with the ball up the pitch, keeping strict control of it with nimble feet. The audience cheered loudly as she got closer and closer to the goal. When she had planted her foot to kick the ball into the net, another girl yanked Kate back by her jersey, knocking her onto the ground with a loud thud. Jared saw red and instantly shot out of his seat.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" he shouted.

Fortunately, about two hundred other Winterlake supporters did the same thing and he was spared standing out to anyone. The referee blew his whistle and the game stopped as he jogged over to Kate. Two of her teammates were already at her side as she sat up, rubbing her head. The referee walked over to the other player, pulling out a tiny notepad as he stood in front of her. Kate stood and rolled her shoulders, shaking off her injury. Jared had to hand it to her: she was tough. A blow like that would have taken him out of the game.

He watched as Kate got the ball for a penalty kick. She took a deep breath and launched the ball into the net, with an audible whoosh. Winterlake fans cheered and Jared smiled. The clock was winding down to the last two minutes of the game and so far, Winterlake had the lead with three points to the opposing team's one. It was safe to say they were walking away with a win. Jared was impressed with the entire team and he could see how they did so well. As the final whistle blew, he made a mental note to talk to Coach Miller about Kate's skill and her potential future in soccer.

"Jay, let's take the back way. I told Kate we'd be by the car," Shannon said as they took the steps down in the stadium.

Jared nodded and followed Shannon through the throngs of people, heading toward the parking lot. "I didn't know she was this good," Jared remarked as they walked.

Shannon shrugged with a smile. "Told you, you've been missing out."

Jared rolled his eyes and got into the SUV. "I don't think anyone saw us, do you?" he asked.

Shannon shook his head. "Everyone was too busy watching the game," he replied as he got into the driver's seat. "I'm glad you're coming to Kate's games now," he added.

Jared shrugged. "I told her I would, so here I am."

Nick had suggested that Jared make a stronger effort to be present in Kate's life in all aspects. Much to Jared's chagrin, that included soccer games. As much as he disliked sports, he disliked Kate's sulking and disappointed sighs more. So he had donned his best disguise and gone with Shannon to her game that afternoon. It wasn't the worst Saturday afternoon he'd had.

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