Nah,I'll just punch him in the face

9 1 2

Four popcorn boxes,two packets of m&ms, five packets of skittles and ten packets of oreo's later we're still hungry. So you know what my brilliant idea was? To go to the best place on earth THE LOLLY SHOP!!!!! Yeah it may be twelve a clock at night but you'd be surprised what happens here. We entered the shop and I swear I died and was resurrected as oreo's, or in Samantha's case, as Nutella.

I also found out that Xavier is a major sweetooth, especially for the 'different' flavoured jelly beans. The ones where the taste is either toothpaste or coconut, yeah, those ones. He even got me to try one, and I'm pretty sure I got the vomit flavour that was confirmed later. Although it may have been the popcorn...

 At school the next morning I was satisfied with the sight that greeted me. Everyone on ice skates cruising around the gym and not having a care in the world. I even saw Mr Keko zooming around out there.

Samantha and I started laughing when we heard one of the jocks unmanly scream. We then saw Josh Mamata, and athlete for the swim team, lying flat on his face with his butt in the air. Shortly after that,over the intercom, Principal Mathers decided it would be a great time to call me to his office, I WAS ABOUT TO WITNESS KEKE FALL ON HER BUTT THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!

I started my trek to the principal's office which was at the other side of the school. But, the thing about the principal and I is that I'ce been to his office so many times that we're are the best of buddies. (No sarcasm intended)

Once I reached the office I was happy to find two mugs of coffee sitting on the table,one for me obviously(That rhymed) and one for the principal. I sat down on the stool and waited for Principal Mathers to finish his paper work.

"Nemo what a delight to see you!" The principal exclaimed with a genuine smile on his face.

"Likewise John," Yes I'm on first name bases with the principal.

"What are you in here for this time?"

"Turned the gym into an ice rink,"

"AWW DARN I wish i was there to see that..." See the best of buddies. The principal may be 39 years old but he still acts like a young child.

"Well, John it's still down there with a pair of ice skates with your name on it," 

"YES!!!" He rushed out of the room with excitement while I stood up and left the building. I found Dan,Mike and Samantha hanging around a tree laughing their asses off.

"I-can't-believe-he-let-you-do-that," Mike breathed in between laughs. Oh Mikey I still remember what you did yesterday and I'm ready for hell.

"Mike, don't think I forgot about the little stunt you pulled yesterday," I said in an innocent voice while death glaring, I whipped out three cans of silly string and gave one to Samantha and one to Dan. 

"FOR NARNIA AND FLUFFY UNICORN WEREWOLF THINGS THAT EAT NUTELLA AND OREO'S!!!!" Yes, I did find a new war cry. We attacked Mike with all the silly strings and while we were doing that with my free hand I brought out water balloons. I threw one at Mike then another and I kept going until I was out of water balloons and silly string.

" I'm happy now, let's go!" I told the guys as I walked back into school with Mike tagging along absolutely soaked. Everyone that weren't in the ice rink stopped and laughed before carrying on with their everyday lives.

I high fived Dan and Samantha as we dragged Mike behind us. We turned the corner to Mike's class and shoved him through the door before we heard the room explode in wild laughter.I smirked and ran to my class but not without saying to Dan and Samantha that it was not the last of it.

They grinned at me then separated to their class. I ran as fast as I could to my Home ec class and decided while I was there I'd need flour.

This is going to get very interesting.


Mike is going to get it ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I wonder what's going to happen?

Mike: Oh God If you here me please save me and make sure I don't die.

Nemo: Too late for that buddy.

From Ninja

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2014 ⏰

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