A Mistake

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Chapter 4
(The next day)
Rachel's pov:
I took Sam's truck to go over and see Kurt . I was nervous because I haven't seen him in such a long time . After high school I kind of just left everyone behind and tried to forget what had happened . The only one I truly stayed in touch with was Sam and that's because he's my best friend. I pulled up in the truck and got out and knocked on the door . The door opened and it was Kurt .

I smiled and gave him a hug ,

"Miss me?" I said .

(10 minutes later)
"I'm so glad your back Rachel ." Kurt said.

"Yeah me too." I said lying .

"What's wrong?" He asked me

"Was it a mistake coming back here?" I asked him.

"No why would you say that?" He asked me .

"I saw Finn yesterday Kurt, it was bad , he wasn't himself and it's all my fault . Maybe he would be better if I just went back to New York ." I said

"No you can't leave . Rachel you made the right choice coming back . Finn is lost and yes he may be different but deep down the Finn we all know and love is dying to get out ." He said .

"I saw him Kurt I honestly think the Finn I knew is gone ." I said

"He's not gone ,he's broken, just like you." He said

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