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You sat there for a moment, conflicted. Suddenly, a fimiliar voice broke through your thoughts, "I suggest you step away from my apprentice young Jedi." Your master said with a edge to his voice, glaring at Ezra. The young boy in front of you quickly grabbed his light saber and faced your Master.

"In your dreams." He spat.

*Insert battle here, cause I'm normally bad at battles lmao*

Kanen stood over the sith that had once been your master and looked at you. You were currently pushed against a wall by the force, of course, his doing, "So Sith," he growled, "Why were you on Lathol?!" You stayed silent, looking down, just scared for your life.

Ezra told Kanen to put you down and he did, sighing, "Fine, I'll put her down, but you'll kill her if she chooses to stay as a Sith." The older man crossed his arms, smirking down at you. Ezra sighed, "Fine. Y/N, do you want to be a Jedi or... A Sith?"

Dark and Light(Ezra x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now