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  Rider met James at the café it was early morning and rider sipped his drink "hello James it's good to see you" James sat down, he wore a vest and jeans and a cap on his head "hay Rider glad you agreed to meet me" Ryder sat up "what's wrong? Anything me and the pups can do?" James shrugged "yes and no, I have a border collie she is a beautiful and wonderful pup and trained for a long time to be a medic, but well we don't have many injuries up in benders creek so I was wondering if she could come join the paw patrol and work with you and the pups here in adventure bay" rider looked at him for a moment "sure the pups would love to meet her" James clapped his hands "wonderful I should warn you she can have a...slightly defective bladder, she is mostly trained around it but can lose it if scared and that's it as far as I've seen, if you want I'll drop her by the look out tomorrow morning" Ryder finished "defiantly a medic would be a huge help to the paw patrol and I'm sure she would be happy to have some more friends" James interjected "any friends a bit of a shut-away, she likes her books but I hope with some friends that might change" Ryder nodded "sure thing, her bladder problem may need a bit of help, do you know why she does it?" James shrugged "the vet said it was something wrong with her not something she intends to do" "good to know" Ryder smiled "it might help marshal to be able to focus on fire's instead of medical things too" James grinned "defiantly though it does mean marshal can learn about hazardous materials" Ryder tilted his head "what do you mean?" James cleared his throat "somethings like oil, petrol and other things like that can't be dealt with normally so they need to be treated with special care, I know adventure bay don't get as many emergencies involving them but it can still happen" Ryder nodded "that's right it always helps to be prepared" James stood "I'll see you with Kit tomorrow, let the pups know yeah?" he walked off to his van as Ryder smiled.

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