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Kit had been awake for a while now looking at her splint, she was laying on the low medical table, her head and front paw hurt and the last thing she remembered was pushing Chase out of the way of the bolder, Chase was laying snuggled into her side, that made her happy, whenever she was around him she was happy and she felt safe and secure like nothing bad can hurt her, she really did love him, she chuckled to herself and slowly climbed off the table, every time she stepped with her splinted paw she felt pain shoot through her leg, she limped over to the draws and got out some fabric and tied a knot in its ends and looped it over her head then she carefully put her injured paw into it, she felt pleased that she made a sling. Kit sniffed the air and she could tell it was early morning, she limped out of the medical room, it was hard to walk with only three paws but she managed it and smiled as she saw Ryder come out of the lift yawning "good morning Kit, how are you feeling today?" Kit barked happily "Ruff! Ruff! Morning Ryder, I'm ok walking with three paws is very strange" Ryder smiled "hehehe yeah, I felt the same way when I broke my leg once, you get used to it till it heals" Kit nodded slowly "yeah and that should take at least a week or two. I guess this means I'm out of order for now" Ryder nodded "afraid so Kit, we can't have your injuries getting worse" Kit nodded and sighed so Ryder asked what he was thinking "is something wrong Kit?" Kit nodded but Ryder knew she was hiding something but he let it go, she would tell him when she was ready to, he went outside and got the pup bowls out and Kit limped past him and laid down in the sun as it began to rise, she loved this time of day, it wasn't too busy and the air smelt nice only she knew this time usually didn't last very long true enough as Ryder began filling the bowls with pup biscuits the other pups woke up and started sleepily walking to the bowls, they we're too tired to notice Kit so she watched them eat, she never rushed to the bowls cause her bowl would be there for her, she rested, she needed to till she had eaten, the pups ate happily then Marshal and Rocky ran over to Kit "Kit, you're ok" Kit smiled and nodded "yeah cranial impact just limits cognitive function is all" Rocky tilted his head "wha?" Kit chuckled "sorry um getting hit on the head stops you being able to think" they laughed and Kit limped into the lookout before stretched and yelped "ouch I forgot my leg is broken, arf arf not good" Kit heard a voice she didn't know "hi Ryder" said the voice "I heard you had a new pup" Kit limped out the lookout door and saw Ryder waving to a girl in a pink dress "hi Katie, yeah her names is Kit she's a bit injured right now" Ryder laughed, Kit wasn't sure about her, but Ryder trusted her "oh no will she be ok?" Katie worried and Ryder nodded "she'll heal do you want to meet her?" Katie nodded and Ryder walked towards the look out, Kit limped behind a treat dispenser and hid, Ryder found her easily, she never was good at hiding, Ryder got down on his knee "Kit are you ok?" Kit whimpered and shook her head "I saw her but I'm scared" Ryder petted Kits head "its ok Kit Katie is a friend and besides its ok to be scared of new people but you should still try" Kit trembled a little "um o-ok Ryder" they both got surprised when Katie snuck up on them both "oh she is so cute" Ryder jumped and fell onto his bottom while Kit barked, whimpered and wet herself then hid her face in her front paws, Katie was surprised "oh I'm sorry Kit are you ok? I didn't mean to scare you" Kit looked up at Katie "s-s-sorry i-i-I didn't mean to" Katie chuckled and scratched Kit's ear "its ok accidents happen" Kit smiled a little, Ryder sat up and smiled "hehehe ok I'll go get some wipes" he got up and walked off to find cleaning products when Katie looked puzzled "hmmm what happened to your paw Kit?" Kit sighed "an accident on a rescue I got knocked off a cliff." Katie gasped "oh no that sounds terrible."

before Kit could reply her tag lit up and Ryders voice came out "paw patrol to the lookout" Kit limped in a hurry into the elevator and saw the other pups charging in, Chase stopped and moved is body in front of her as Sky, Rocky, Zuma and Rubble stood in the elevator and Marshal ran towards the elevator, tripped and flew into Chase who tripped and fell into Kit causing to cry out causing Chase to spring up throwing Marshal into the elevator wall "KIT! Are you ok?!" Chase barked, Kit whimpered and stood up "y-yeah just landed on my bad paw" Marshal stood "sorry guess I went for a trip" they all laughed as the elevator went up, as they moved behind the paw patrol icon they got in their uniforms then they jumped out into the control room with Kit limping behind, Chase barked proudly "ready for action Ryder sir!" Ryder nodded "thanks pups we have an important emergency" he pressed a button and the big screen turned on "a supply train carrying Alex and a lot of animals, is on a collision course with a train of people because a mud slide broke the track switch, and someone lit the coal supply on fire!" the pups where all worried but it was Marshal who spoke "has anyone been hurt?" Ryder shook his head "no, not yet but we need to move fast, Marshal I need you to see about putting out that fire" Marshal stepped forward "I'm fired up!" Ryder nodded "Chase I need you to find out who did this once we have sorted it out" Chase stood forward "these paws uphold the laws" Ryder smiled "Rocky I'll need you and Rubble to fix up the track switch and divert the trains" Rocky stepped forward "green means go!" Rubble did the same "rubble on the double" "great" Ryder said "we don't have much time to waste" then suddenly Ryders pup pad rang so he answered and the mayors voice came out "Ryder a big emergency captain Turbot's boat hit the rocks and now there are pieces all over the place and I can't find chickoletta or captain Turbot, HELP!" Ryder nodded "now worries mayor goodway we're on it, pups you heard all that, Sky, Zuma I need you two doing that, Sky you search from the sky and Zuma you bring them all in to shore" sky flipped "this pups' got to fly" Zuma smiled and jumped forward "lets dive in" Kit barked "Ryder what about me?" Ryder shook his head "not this time Kit you need to recover Katie can look after you" Kits ears went down "oh ok Ryder" Ryder looked sad "sorry Kit I don't want you getting worse" Kit shook her head "its ok Ryder I...I get it" Ryder shouted "paw patrol is on a roll!" the pups jumped down the slide and landed in their vehicles while Ryder slide down the pole, Kit sighed and laid there "why did I have to be injured, I'm the doctor someone could be hurt and I'm stuck here like a lemon" Katie rode the elevator up and sat with Kit "hi Kit how are you feeling?" Kit shrugged "fed up to tell you the truth, I want to help and I hate being stuck here" Katie nodded "that makes sense, you are dedicated to what you do, but you need to rest" Kit nodded "I know but it's so boring" Katie smiled "hehehe yeah that's true, how about a spar date?" Kit looked at her "spar?" Katie nodded "yes, I run a grooming salon for animals and I'm sure it will help you feel better" Kit smiled "that sounds nice"

elsewhere the pups arrived by the train tracks, Ryder called to the pups "Rubble you go clear the track, Rocky fix whatever's been broken" they barked and swayed from the others, Marshal, Ryder and Chase drove up beside the train but they couldn't catch up to the front, the side door to the cargo carriage opened and they saw Alex and the animals "Ryder, in here!" Ryder hit a button on his ATV and jumped to the train, he hit the ground but got back up "thanks Alex, Marshal come aboard!" Marshal looked at the ground racing past "uh are you sure Ryder?" Chase jumped to Marshals fire enguine "come on Marshal there's a fire that needs you" Marshal shok his head still looking at the train "i-i-I cant make that jump" Chase quietly called out his mega phone, he stood behind marshal "JUMP!" Chase shouted and Marshal jumped at Chases bark, Marshal launched over the gap and landed in the in the carriage, Chase laughed and lept over the gap and landed in a pile of hay, he poped up and sneezed out some hay "I am ok" Ryder laughed "that's good, come on lets go" the pups sprang up as Ryder ran down the train carriage. They ran through train carriage after train carriage till they got to the coal car and Ryder saw it as blazing away, Ryder turned to the pups "ok Marshal you try and put the fire out, I'm gonna climb along the side and see if I can get to the caboose" Marshal barked "on it Ryder, ARF water canon!" his water canon unfolded from his pup pack and fired water into the coal car, Ryde reatched for the coal car before Chase barked "RYDER WAIT!" Ryder turned "what is it Chase?" Chase ran over "it's a metal box filled with fire, if you touch that you'll burn your hands" Ryder smiled and showed Chase the special red and white gloves he was wearing "don't worry Chase these Gloves are special and extra protective, made to stop me burning my hands on hot things" Chase smiled and Ryder climbed onto the side of the coal car and shimmied along the side carefully, Chase whimpered "oh be careful Ryder" Ryder climbed into the train caboose, and he saw the train driver "are you ok?" Ryder asked him, the train driver nodded "yes I burned my hands and now I can't slow the train into a layby" Ryder nodded and pulled on the brakes to slow the train to a stop, they got off and started unloading everyone and everything off the train, then Ryder called rocky and rubble on his pup pad "how are things over there you two?" Rocky answered, "the mud is clear Ryder and the switch won't be fixed in time, but I had an idea to make a make shift switch till then" Ryder smiled "good idea rocky that should save the trains" soon after Marshal had gotten the coal fire to stop by filling the whole car with water and the passenger train flew past on another track, Ryder and the pups to cheer "we did it, come on pups let's get out to the bay to help Sky and Zuma" they jumped into their vehicles and drove off.

meanwhile Kit was lying in a bath in the pup parlour as Katie washed her fur "mmmmm thanks for this Katie I needed something to relax" Katie smiled as she massaged Kits ears "its ok I understand the feeling" Kit sighed "it's just...I'm the doctor I feel so useless and helpless now I'm injured, I mean it's my job to fix injuries but I can't even fix myself, I mean how am I meant to help others when I can't do that?" Katie washed Kits neck fur "you can't fix yourself any more than you have" Kit sighed and shook her head "no but still I feel useless" Katie smiled "you're a doctor your super useful" Kit looked up at her "yeah? Ack!" the soap suds fell onto her eye lids, Katie washed the suds from her eyes "sorry Kit" Kit laughed "its ok" she got out the bath and shook and her fur coat fluffed up then Katie grabbed a towel and started to dry her off "hehehe that feels funny" Kit chuckled and then they heard someone outside yell and crash, Kit didn't hesitate and ran out the spa despite her injury she found a man on the floor next to a nearby house and a woman who looked worried, Kit ran to the man "I'll be there with a duty of care! What happened" Kit barked, the man sat up a little and feel back "ack i-im ok I just fell" Kit shook her head "no you're not, I see blunt force to your leg and back, Katie I need you to help me, go to the look out and get me my medical bag" Katie nodded and ran off to the lookout, Kit turned to the man "lay down, and try and relax I'll get you something for the pain when I can" the man laid on his back "um h-how does it look?" Kit smiled "don't worry you've probably broken your leg and might have bruised your back, you'll be ok though" the man smiled softly "thanks" Katie soon ran back to kit with the green pup pack, she put it on Kit "ok RUFF! X-rays!" the screen folded out of the pack and showed Kit that the leg was broken and the man's back had a small crack in it, Kit sighed "well that wasn't the news I wanted" the man looked worried and Kit noticed "don't worry it will all heal, you have broken your leg but your back has a crack, you're gonna have to stay in bed for a while" the man sighed but Kit smiled "don't worry it can be worse, katie in the EMT kennel in the look out there is a spine board that I need" Katie nodded again and ran off and Kit put the screen away "painkiller! ARF!" a robotic arm came out with a needle on it "this will hurt only a little but then it should be fine" the man nodded as the needle sunk into his arm and she injected the painkiller into his arm and he relaxed "oh that feels better thanks pup" Kit smiled and soon Katie came back with the board, Kit sighed "ok miss? I need you and katie to do this next bit, we need to move him onto the board while moving him as little as possible" Katie nodded and the lady looked at the man and nodded they laid the board next to the man and carefully moved him onto it then they lifted the board and carried him inside to his bed, then moved him onto the bed Kit smiled "now don't move much if at all for a few weeks, until the pain is gone completely and even then only move bit by bit ok?" the man smiled "yeah thanks pup you've been a big help" Kit beamed as her and Katie walked "well done Kit i told you, you where useful, Kit chuckled as Ryder and the other pups drove past and to the lookout.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2017 ⏰

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