part 2.

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Classes are passing by and you were just thinking about Grayson. That cute guy who is sitting next to you. You didn't want him to know that you actually like him so you never looked at him. Not once. You thought that's weird.

*Break time*

You found Ayla and you two went to sit. There was one little table with 4 chairs so you decided to go there. That was table for freshmans. You saw Grayson sitting with friends on a big table. That was table for the "cool kids". You and Ayla know you don't belong there. That was okay for you. You never actually wanted to sit there or to be cool. At one moment you just looked at Grayson and you realized how cute he is. You didn't even realized you were staring at him till Ayla called you.

Ayla:"ohh I see. You like Grayson Dolan."
She said just to teass you
Y/N:"no I don't. I wasn't even looking at him. I was just looking"
You tried to find an excuse but you failed.
Ayla:"yeah right. I'm not stupid and he is cute."
Y/N:"okay yeah. I do like him but pls be quite."
Ayla:"I'll be quite. Don't worry."
She smirked.
Y/N:"stop! I know what are going to do. Pls don't."

*After 2 min*

Ayla:"yoo Grayson!"
Y/N:"don't you dare. I swear to you I'm not gonna talk to you if U say something."
Grayson:"hii what's up?"
Ayla:"can you come here for a sec?"
Grayson:"yeah sure."

You heared his friends saying "Ohhhh". You didn't know what to think about that. You know Ayla is gonna say something.

Ayla (to Grayson's friends):"ohh shut up you idiots it's for my friend not for me."
You just gave her "the look". In that moment Grayson came and you just felt some butterflies in your stomach.

Grayson:"what's for your friend? Me?" He said that and we all laughed *
Ayla:"yeah actually."
Grayson:"wait really?"
He looked at you*


Y/N:"It's time to go to class."
You took your stuff and went to class.

Ayla already went to her class and you hurried up so Grayson doesn't come to you.

Grayson:"yoo. Wait."
You heared his voice and turned around even tho you didn't want to but you don't wanna be rude.
Grayson:"is it true you like me?"
Y/N:"umm...noo my friend just likes to teass me."
Grayson:"ohh okay. Sorry if U think I'm like popular guy every girl likes and wants to date me cause I'm not.
Y/N:"ohh don't worry I don't."
Grayson:"K. Good."

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