part 3.

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You two went to class and sit next to each other again. It was History period witch you hated sm. You never liked history it's so stupid. Like why do you have to know what happened before U?? Like wtf? Even tho you didn't looked at Grayson you were thinking about him. Teacher was teaching a lesson but didn't care. You were alone in your thoughts but in one moment someone got in and it was your teacher.
Teacher:"miss Y/N's last name are you listening to me?"
Y/N:"yeah. Umm sorry."
Teacher:"are you thinking about a boy?"
Y/N:" I'm not. It's really not that."
You saw Grayson looking at you so you looked at him for a sec. Everyone in class were just:"ohhh Y/N likes Grayson."
You just sit there so awkward looking down to your notebook. It was so awkward but in that moment was ringing for end of the class. You run out of the classroom but you knew he is running to you. You stopped for a sec to seen what he wants.

Grayson:"wait. Stop pls I can't run anymore."
You both laughed*
Y/N:"what do U want?"
Grayson:"pls just tell me the truth. When the teacher asked you are you thinking about a guy you looked at me. Do you like me or not?"
In thay moment your friend Ayla interrupted you.
Ayla:"hi guys. Am I interrupting something?"
Grayson (at the same time):"yes actually."
Ayla:"uhh...sry continue I'm leaving." She said and winked to me.
Grayson:"soo. I'm still waiting for my answer."
After he said that he looked at you and didn't stoped looking.
Y/N:"okay I know you don't like me I'm not even pretty or cute so I understand. Sry I have to go."
You said all that quickly and you didn't even wait his answer. U just went.
(You had 4 periods cause it was your first day pf school so they gave you less periods.)

Your pov.*

I'm so stupid. I should never even look at him. I hate myself. He probably doesn't even like me. He likes those popular cheerleaders.
 So U got 4 periods today and you could go home.

You were trying to find your mom's car. She always parks at parking lot so you went there. When you saw exactly the same car you run there not even looking who was in the car.
(You were very smart person.)
So U got in and turned to driver's seat to see Grayson. You were shocked. He has same car as your mom.
Wow this is just great. (You were thinking)
Y/N:"I'm sorry I thought this was my mom's car."
Grayson:"It's cool."

Mom:"sorry honey I had to go to the job. It was an emergency. I hope you have a ride home."
Y/N:"yeah don't worry."

Grayson:"what's wrong?"
Y/N:"ohh nothing. I have to find a ride back home. Sorry for bothering you I'm going now. Bye."
Grayson:"wait. I can give U a ride home."
Y/N:"no that's okay."
Grayson:"noo. Pls I insist."
Y/N:"umm k then. Thanks."
Grayson:"yeah no problem we just have to wait for my idiot brother to get here."
You both laughed and after that you were both staring at each other (not in the creepy way but in a cute way)*
In that moment his brother got in the car and said:"okay? Who is she and why are you staring at each other?"
Grayson (quickly turners to Etham):"umm she is just my friend and she needs ride home."
Ethan:"k...? I'm Ethan nice to meet you."
Y/N:"I'm Y/N nice to meet you too."
You were shaking hands and Ethan asked Grayson:"wow bro I'm impressed. First day and you already have a friend. And she is a girl. Wow."

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