lie to me .

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this was supposed to be a fresh start. no trouble, no love, no anything. fresh. charming was supposed to be that place.
i rode into town in my shitty little car recieving a ton of dirty looks. i'm guessing everyone knew everyone here. my car started making a ton of weird noises so i parked infront of a shop and went in to ask where the nearest garage is, surely there has to be one. i walked in and the little bell chimed above my head making the woman behind the counter raise her head at me. i walked up to the counter "excuse me do you know where the nearest garage is?" she scoffed and chewed her chewing gum loudly, slapping against her teeth. "teller-morrow. that it?" i thought for a minute while looking around "pack of cigarettes please" i smiled politely at her, in return she rolled her eyes and placed a box infront of me expecting cash. i placed the right amount on the counter and walked out, i saw a man who was bald and had a few tattoos, i decided to ask him for directions.
"excuse me?" i asked catching his attention, he looked me up and down before smilint at me "how can i help a lovely little lady like you?" i cringed at the way he kept on staring at me, "do you know where teller-morrow garage is?" he glared at me "ahead, make a left, turn right then you're there." he gritted his teeth. "names y/n." i smiled and held my hand out "weston. aj weston" he smiled back and shook my hand.
i waved at him and said thank you before climbing back into my car and made my way to the garage.
a massive sign said 'TELLER-MORROW' and i pulled in, as i climbed out i heard someone cough and i was met with a tall man, about 20, blonde hair with a beard just surrounding his top lip and chin. he was very attractive. "uh darlin'?" i shook my head quickly "yes? um i'm here because i was riding into town and my cars just really shit, i was hoping you could take a look at it."
he chuckled at me "darlin' you dont just ride into charming. you're either running from something or someone"
i rolled my eyes "fresh start i guess, and someone i know lives here" i shrugged my shoulders, "whats his name?"
"thats for me to know" i laughed and gave him the keys to my car. "when should i be back to collect??"
he looked at me "you can stay here if you want" he nodded to some chairs near an office, i smiled and walked towards them before something, or more importantly someone, caught my eye. i walked up to them and tapped their shoulder waiting for them to turn around. he smiled immediately and pulled me in for a hug, "y/n!" i laughed and kissed his scarred cheek, "i've missed you so much lassie"
"i've missed you so much too chibs"
a round bellied man came up to us, "yo chibs, you gonna introduce us to your new croweater?" he laughed
i looked at him confused "croweater??"
chibs shook his head "this is y/n, i grew up with her dad in the IRA until we both moved here. speaking bout the devil how is he lass?" i sighed and looked down "he passed a few days ago, that's why im here. fresh start."
chibs had sadness in his eyes "oh no lass im so sorry, he was a great man" i nodded "i know" tears clouded my eyes but i refused to let them fall, i cant break infront of anyone.
"how are you anyway?" the scot asked me, "i'm doing quite well, graduated from uni with a pHd in medical. planning on signing up for St. Thomas'." i beamed at chibs. he smiled at me and bought me in for another hug "from now on i'll be looking after you, your da woulda wanted it"
i smiled again before pulling away from the hig and kissing him on his cheek lightly
"i know."

lie to me .Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora