tell me sweet nothings.

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after a while my car was fixed. i was walking up to the blond man, i found out his name was jax, before i could take back my keys a hand was placed on my shoulder. "ay lass you got a place to stay?" i smiled at him and shook my head "nah i haven't but im working on it." chibs looked at me with sadness in his eyes "lassie i dont want you to live on the streets for a few weeks. listen, ya can stay in my apartment here in the clubhouse until ya find yourself a nice place, okay?" i almost declined but i knew i needed some sleep. "thank you chibs. thank you so much." i hugged him tight until he had to leave, "ask a guy behind the bar to show you into the room, i'll be back later lass" i nodded and walked inside to where chibs pointed me to.
a boy behind the bar with dirty blond hair looked at me"croweater?" i shook my head, what is it with these croweater chicks? i'll have to find out. "no um chibs told me to ask you where his apartment is, i'll be staying in it for a few weeks." he raised an eyebrow at me, "follow me" he walked out from behind the wooden table and started walking to some doors before stopping infront of one with a scottish flag on the top. i looked at it and laughed, the boy raised his eyebrow at me again before walking away. "excuse me? i didnt get your name. i'm y/n." i said with a smile, "i'm halfsack"
"halfsack? how did you get that name? actually. i dont want to know" i laughed. he smiled at me "my actual name's kip if you don't want to call me that."
"bye kip"
I walked into the room and looked around, there was a mirror near a wardrobe and a double bed. when i turned around i saw a few towels and a shower. i needed one so bad i probably smelt like a rotting corpse. i grabbed a towel and went near the shower, turning it on. while i was waiting for the water to warm up i was looking around and unpacking whatever i had in my tiny bag onto the bed. after a while i got into the shower washing my hair with some conditioner i found on the side and washing my body with a shower gel i bought with me. once i was clean i turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around me. as soon as i got out of the shower i realised i dont have any clothes. i sighed and started looking in the drawers for something i could wear. i found a pair of boxers, that chibs probably wouldnt mind if i wore, a black jumper that reaches just past my ass with the words 'SAMCRO' written on it, and that was it. i couldnt find any jeans so i made a note to myself that i have to go shopping one day.
i got changed and put my hair up in a messy bun before walking out just in time to see everyone arrive. i couldnt see chibs or jax, i'm gonna have to start learning peoples names.
i sat on a barstool "kip? can i have a whiskey shot please?" he nodded "comin' straight up." a few seconds later a shot glass was put infront of me and i downed it quicker than you can say 'hello'
i smiled at kip and stood up walking towards a group that chibs was in. a lady with black hair and gray in it was talking about a little boy, "tara is trying everything she possibly can jax. at this point we're just going to have to pray for abel. St Thomas' are trying their best darlin'"
when she stopped talking she noticed me and looked around. "why is this croweater slut listening into our personal conversation?!" she looked like she was ready to fight me so i ran into chibs' room.
"chibs'?! she's one of yours?! tell her to stay the fuck away from our conversations!"
i then heard a thick accent speak up, "gemma its not what ye think. y/n's staying in my apartment for a few weeks, her da has just passed and we were in the IRA together. she's applying to work at St Thomas'"
after that i heard nothing apart from a few mumbles and a door slam.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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