1-1: It began

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Sarth was at the console, pleased he had captured quite a few subjects. The lab was a well-guarded top-secret facility that almost nobody realized existed. But that posed a problem. These people were definitely reported missing, and the families were concerned about that. But only this lab, plus a few hunters, knew of this place, along with the government. They wanted answers why these people changed, but the lab had plenty of time and funding for these experiments. They could order anything that would be renewable. 

There was presently only 100 subjects. But they were already showing signs  of mental instabilities. It  was like they were confusing their environment with what's happening with themselves. The most logical solution was to hear their voice. 

Subject #1: Xegos
Situation: Believes he sees invaders and sentinels.

This was seen as a classic alien paranoia situation. Activating the mind wave unit, he placed a new thought in Xegos. Ground defenses. Suddenly, those realizations caused him to stabilize, and Sarth looked at the difference. He was saying "It's so confusing to figure out this schism. I still feel like both are real."

Sarth said: "Well, alien encounters within the mind are a high oddity."

Xaegos: "MIND!! This not just  the mind, but everything. Quite literally a schism." Suddenly, the data showed abductions within his mindset emerging. Sentinels emerged as well, trying to stop such. 

Sarth: "Interesting... mind scans indicate serious activity when I stated such. This only proves that theorem, it has to be the mind. But I wonder about Physical, Social, and Spiritual."

Sarth scanned him spiritually, and an error message emerged. It was too much data. Then he tried to narrow it to just the abductions, and he saw data about a planet - Rakudin. "No way - The spirit data indicates a live planet within your soul?"

Xaegos: "See now? And the Aliens come from Hyphos. The rest is just asteroids, except for one planet. And it doesn't look good for the sentinels of the Rakudin planet. But they are much better trained and equipped as well."

Sarth was intrigued. "So it's quite literally a division... two split realities. That's both deep and heavy... Hmm, but does it matter?"

Xaegos: "Well, on this side, we're pretty advanced, but this reality seems like a game. It has every sign of that." Just then, Xaegos gained Deimos. They transformed into a factory on Rakudin. This increased the number of citizens that were emerging on the place. In fact, three of the citizens had a different color. 10 green, like the rest, but 3 blue ones as well. 

Sarth: "Spirit signs indicate a new factory on the important planet. Hmm... I noticed an energy spike within you when you realized that was a game. Analyzing data..." he did, and was impressed. "It's a food processor plant. Of  course it would result in more people. But this means it's all about the production on the 2 planets. Industry, vehicles, planets, and people. I wonder if there's upgrades then. But I'll leave you now. I shouldn't just be examining you alone, though it's tempting."

The first insight was proven and recorded. Their beliefs were definitely valid, and very confusing. Two distinct realities, one person. This reality, and their internal dimension. There had to be a conjecture why they had gained that power, but that meant much more research. For now, however, they would play it safe, examine varying reactions, and just keep it to light mental stimulus functions.

The Existential lab EP#1 - The DivisionsWhere stories live. Discover now