Way of the sword

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Berkut glanced to the training field for a second before turning his attention back to me. "I have an idea, but it's completely your decision to make. We can train you in combat, and you can specialize in what you want once you have enough experience."

"That's a great idea, Berkut."

"Great. We will start tomorrow, then."


Tomorrow couldn't wait for me. In the middle of the night, I had dressed in better fitting clothing (like the picture above) and left my room, racing to the training field. My excitement was through the roof as I flew down the stairs and down the many halls to the doors that led outside.

"Maybe I can learn magic, or even use a lance like Berkut, or maybe-" my verbal thoughts halted when I opened the door and set my eyes on another person in the training field.

A second glance gives me time to see the blue-purple cape of Berkut and his lance in the middle of the field with an array of weapons and tomes to the side.

"I see you couldn't sleep, either."

Berkut beckons me closer, leaning against his lance as he watched me near.

"You knew I'd be coming out here, didn't you?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip. Berkut merely shrugged and scratched the back of his head.

"I'm always out here at night training with my lance. I have to be able to use it on the ground as well as in the saddle. If I couldn't, then I'd be dead as soon as someone knocked me off my horse." Berkut returned to standing straight, twirling his lance before setting it down on a weapons rack.

I nod my head in understanding, then turn my attention to the weapons on the nearby racks and tables.

"I gathered most of our training weapons and basic tomes for you to try. Since you've never been in battle or used any weapons before, we won't know what weapon or weapons you can use." He picks up a practice lance, jabbing and swinging at thin air with ease. "Calvalry like myself can use swords, axes, and spears depending on their specialization. I'm a cavalier so I'm a master of the lance. I rarely use swords because I prefer to have range against my opponent."

I smile, watching him describe his class and weaponry with pride, then turn to the table of weapons once again. The tomes and swords stood out to me the most, piquing my interest at first glance.

"What if I could use both tomes and swords?" I glanced at Berkut before picking up one of the practice swords.

"Then you'd be a priestess type class. They can use blades and magic so they are adept to range and close combat. Sadly, no one here can teach you to use those tomes since all of our magic users are part of the Duma Faithful. They never show their faces here and hide within Duma tower where they sell their souls to their so called 'god'." Berkut got a little sassy with the 'god' part.

"I can teach myself magic if it comes down to it. For now, I'll focus on swordsmanship." Holding the practice sword felt like second nature to me, while Berkut had an unsteady grip on his blade.

"I haven't held one of these sinve cavalier training when I was first being trained." Berkut played around with the sword a bit, fixing his grip and adapting himself to the weapon before getting in an offensive stance.

"Your attacking stance can start like so, then you can charge your enemy or simply jab at them to get them out of a defensive stance."

Me taking an offensive stance, Berkut walks over and inspects my form. "Your feet should be wider apart and keep your hand steady." He kicked one of my feet further out and held my arm steady. He was so close to me that I could feel his breath brushing against my neck, causing me to blush a little. I've never had a man this close to me, not even my uncle or brothers.

"Are you alright, milady? Your face is red." Berkut's face contorted with concern as he returned to the front of me, removing one of his gloves and holding the back of his hand to my forehead.

"I'm fine. Let's just spar, shall we?" I shook off the blush dusting my cheeks as Berkut put his glove back on and readied himself.

"I won't go too easy on you. You have to learn from hardship or else you won't really learn the Rigelian way."

With that, we rushed at each other, blades clashing and the sound ringing throughout the area and even reaching the barracks where some trainees were watching the prince and (y/n) spar.

Pride and Arrogance: Berkut x readerWhere stories live. Discover now