chapter one

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*Not proofread*

'One, don't pick up the phone. You know his only calling cause drunk in love.
Two, don't let him in. You have to kick him out again.
Three, don't be his friend. You know you gonna wake up in his the bed in the morning and if you're under him... You ain't getting over him.
I got new rules, I count 'em.'

Rebekah and Taylor sings at the top of their lungs in the car on their way to school. It was always their routine. Start it off with a bang. Sing to their hearts content. Even though they sounded like dying cats. Nothing else mattered.

They were friends since they were in diapers. Neither of them know what they would do without it each other. They would go to war just to see each other smile.

As they park their car in their parking space that they always parked in. They silently get out of the car and approach the school premises. It was their first day of senior year. Their last year,  Taylor always thought what would happen after high school. Would they still be close? Would they still do everything together?

"Ready for today Bec?" Taylor smiles and asks Rebekah. "You know it dude!" Rebekah grins. Rebekah always loved school. She loved everyone. She always got high marks in her work, she is loved by everyone on her school.

"Remember, that party I told you about... The back to school party this Friday. We going?" Taylor asks. "Yeah, of course. We need to start our Senior year off with a bang. Get drunk and probably get laid." Rebekah responds as if it's a everyday thing that people do. Rebekah was always taught to live like she's going to die tomorrow. Make beautiful memories and never regret. She just shouldn't make a baby. That is what her mother always told her.

As they enter the office to collect the schedules, this is moment they always dreaded. They always wanted to be in the same class together. Last year, they had all their classes together. To say they were happy, that was an understatement.

"Let's compare." Taylor says. Rebekah hands her schedule to Taylor and watches her intently. Rebekah always thought that Taylor's body language always went in tune with her emotions. Whenever she was happy, you could see that was constantly moving and her foot would tap endlessly. When she was sad, the shoulders would be slumped and nose would always be scrunched.

Right now, Rebekah could see that Taylor was not happy. "Don't we have classes together?" Rebekah asks. "Just the opposite, we have all our classes together except Literature." Taylor scrunches her nose in disgust .

Rebekah laughs at how she looks. "That's fine Tay-Tay. It ain't the end of the babe. Just one class." Rebekah tries to convince Taylor.

"I know it's not bad, I just have a feeling that something is going to happen in that class. I can't tell if it's good or bad. It's kind of irking me." Taylor says and Rebekah laughs at her best friend. Taylor always have these feelings, that something was going to happen. Most of the time she is always right. Right now, Rebekah doesnt know if she should be worried.

As the bell rings, alerting all the students to go to first period. Rebekah checks her schedule and groans out loud. First period is literature. Her first period is without her best friend. Rebekah gives Taylor a sad smile and tells her that they'll see each other the period after.

Rebekah enters the class and is instantly greeted by her classmates. She gives them her million dollar smile that every boy swoons over and every girl envies. She scans the room for a seat and there are only two seats left. She decides to take the one by the window, the other empty is right next to her. She frowns at the seat, who would be late on their first day of school she thought.

Mr Williams enters the classroom and greets his student. Mr Williams is kind of teacher that makes you love a subject, everyone loves him. He has a great sense of humour for fifty year old man.

As Mr Williams does the roll calling to check if all his students are in class.

"Jeremiah?" Mr Williams calls. No one answers. He calls his name again. "Jeremiah?" Students starts to whisper and Mr Williams becomes impatient. "Jere-." Mr Williams is immediately cut off by the door opening and Jeremiah enters the class. Mr Williams slightly pissed off that Jeremiah is late, he let's it slide because it's the first day of school.

"Jeremiah, take your seat." Mr Williams says to Jeremiah. "Yes sir." Jeremiah says mockingly. Jeremiah scans the rooms for a seat and there is one next to girl.

Hope she doesn't have a stick up her ass. Jeremiah thinks.

Rebekah hasn't noticed someone sitting next to her. She was to engulfed in her own thoughts that she hasn't heard her names being called.



"Rebekah!" Mr Williams' booms through the room. Making Rebekah jolt from her seat.

"Yes sir." Rebekah answers. "Next time I call your name, you answer the first time, okay?"

"Yes sir." Rebekah replied timidly. Rebekah finally notices the boy sitting next to her, but he is already staring.

He is so beautiful. Rebekah thought.

She has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Jeremiah thought.

Rebekah blinks. Jeremiah blinks. Rebekah thinks she has some effect on Jeremiah. She smirks and winks at Jeremiah before turning towards what Mr Williams is saying. Taylor was right. Something would happen in literature class. She was contemplating if Niklaus Mikaelson was still the hottest guy she laid eyes on.

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