chapter three

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"Luke, I've seen you made some new friends." Jeremiah says.

Everyone at the table quietens, Luke senses that everyone is tense and he wonders why. Luke decides to take matters into his own hands.

"Guys, this is Jeremiah... He is my brother." Luke says. It seems the whole cafeteria heard what Luke said, cause the whole room is quiet. No one is moving, it's like Luke just dropped a bomb on them. Whispers started to erupt.

How does he have brother?

Why are they so different looking?

Luke has the most amazing eyes.

Jeremiah is still hot though.

What is Luke doing at that table.

Jeremiah because tense with all the quietness, he was getting agitated.

"Everybody, go do what you suppose to fucking do!" he screamed across the room. Everybody didn't have to be told twice, they all resumed to what they were doing.

Rebekah finally came to her senses. "You brothers with him?" Rebekah points to Jeremiah. Jeremiah pretends to be shocked. "Oh honey, that's just mean." Jeremiah says.

"It's the truth..." Taylor adds. "How can Luke, the shy one, be the related to you... The asshole?" Taylor adds. A very hot asshole. Taylor adds mentally.

Jeremiah feels smug right about now, he looks from Taylor to Rebekah. They seem to have an intense stare off. It must gave gone long on because someone cleared their throat. It seems Taylor did. Now she has that smug look on her face, she knows Rebekah is interested in Jeremiah, but she know her best friend won't give in that easily.

"What are you doing here, Jeremiah?" Rebekah asks. "None of your business Rebekah!" Jeremiah responds. "Well, it is my business. Since you're at my table." Rebekah adds.

"I don't see your name on the table though." Jeremiah says while pretending to look for Rebekah's name. Rebekah doesn't know how to respond, her name isn't on the table.

"Oh honey, her name is on the table." Taylor replies smugly. Jeremiah's eyes widen, he doesn't know how to respond. Rebekah turns to Taylor, and somehow has a conversation between their eyes.

Is my name really on the table?


"Well then, let me see it." Jeremiah asks.

Taylor continues on smiling, she doesn't want to make it obvious that Rebekah's really isn't on the table. "Oh honey, we have nothing to prove to you. Go along, to your monkey group. They all waiting for you over there." Rebekah says and points to his group of friends.

This girl is feisty.  Jeremiah thinks. "Darling, you haven't seen the last of me." Jeremiah says and for dramatic effect he walks backwards towards his table without knowing there is someone behind him, he knocks into the girl and all the food flies into the air and lands on Jeremiah's face.

The entire cafeteria is booming with laughter. Jeremiah is red with embarrassment. Rebekah could not hold her laughter in. "Darling, would you like some sauce with spaghetti?" Rebekah mocks Jeremiah.

Jeremiah storms off out of the cafeteria and entire cafeteria is still laughing hard. Someone actually recorded it, by the end of school, it will be viral.


The first day of school finally ended and Jeremiah could not stop thinking about Rebekah, she was not like everybody, she was somewhat confident without being slutty. She knows she's beautiful but she doesn't flaunt it around like the other girls do. Rebekah knows what she wants and she gets it. But would Rebekah want Jeremiah? Jeremiah thinks. After what had happened in the cafeteria, Rebekah wouldn't want to be seen with Jeremiah after that. His cheeks turns red thinking about what happened in the cafeteria, and what everyone seen. Never has Jeremiah embarrassed himself in front of people before, he was always calm and always angry, but he never showed it.

Jeremiah stood by his friends car, waiting for him to exit the school premises. Jeremiah did not return to school after the cafeteria incident, he took a shower and sat on the field till the day ended.

"Hey JJ." One of his friends Tristan greets him. Tristan was friend since kindergarten, they are ride or dies. Tristan and JJ was always close, Tristan knew everything there was to know about JJ.

Jeremiah looked at his very suspiciously, isn't Tristan going to question him about what had happened in the cafeteria. Jeremiah finally gives him the bro handshake. "Hey Tris. Where are the others?" He asks.

Tristan sighs, JJ should already know the answer to that. "They at detention dude." He replies. "On the first day?" Jeremiah asks. "Obviously, but bro , what happened today in the cafeteria?" Tristan questions his friend.

JJ's cheeks start to heat up, he scratches the back of his head. "Nah, nothing mahn. Just didn't see the girl behind me." he says. "And the Rebekah girl, what were you doing at her table?" Tristan questions him again. "Luke was there dude. I just wanted to see if he was alright." Jeremiah says nervously.

"Yeah dude, we believe you." Tristan says mockingly.

"Fuck you." JJ says to Tristan. Tristan starts laughing. Jeremiah just showed him middle finger and got into passenger while Tristan was sobering up from the laugh.

"JJ, can I ask you a question?" Tristan asks this out of the blue. Tristan has Jeremiah's full attention right, JJ is curious.

"What do you think if I asked Rebekah out, like to the party?" Tristan asks nervously. Jeremiah doesn't want Tristan to be Rebekah, he wants Rebekah to himself, so does every boy. Where would Jeremiah stand a chance, let alone Tristan? Not that Jeremiah was insulting is best friend or anything, but Jeremiah always knew he was more hotter than his friend.

Finally snapping out of his thoughts, he answered Tristan's question. "Yeah dude, she is hot." JJ says non chantly. "I don't think she is hot, she is beautiful. Like the stars at night, like... " Jeremiah stops Tristan from speaking any cheesy crap.

"Woah, woah, woah... Let me stop you right there dude, don't speak about that stars stuff, and when the fuck did you get so cheesy?" Jeremiah asks.

"When I looked into her eyes, it was so warm. You've seen her eyes, right?" Tristan ask.

"Yeah..." Jeremiah's mind start to wander back to when they were in class and she winked at him. "Her eyes are beautiful."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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