chapter two

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***not proofread***

Rebekah didn't know what she did? She winked at him? Like what the fuck? She thought. She was unconsciously biting her pencil trying to listen to what Mr Williams has to say. But she couldn't, not when an extremely hot boy was next to her. Rebekah knew who he was. She just never noticed him before. She never actually looked at him.

Now that she has, he makes her horny. Rebekah wasn't always such a hormonal teen. Now that he is making her feel things. She is contemplating not just kissing me and pouncing her right here and now. But she knew better than that? She knows that she is better than that. Pouncing a guy she hardly knows. She needed to be subtle about it. The aching between her legs told her otherwise.

The bell couldn't ring soon enough. She gathered her belongings as quickly as possible. Right now, she's think that Barry Allen has nothing on her. She is the first one to leave the class. She paces herself to her locker, she is breathing is erratic now.

Why am I acting like a loon? Rebekah mentally questions herself. She swaps her books for the following period and quietly makes her way to her next period. Silently cursing herself for acting like a wreck. It was just one dude, she thought.

One hot dude. She adds to her monologue.

As she enters the class, she sees her best friend waving her, saying that she has to sit next to her. She sighs as she sits down. Taylor notices that Rebekah is thinking about something. Did something happen in literature?

Before Taylor could ask what happened. Rebekah beat her to it by telling her. "You're right, about what you said this morning. Something did happen." Rebekah turns her head to look at Taylor. Taylor waits for Rebekah to continue.

"Jeremiah has literature with me. He sit next to me. Plus he is the hottest guy I've ever seen and he makes me horny. And I winked at him." Rebekah looks down. Taylor couldn't hold it anymore. She was laughing at Rebekah. She continued to laugh until Rebekah gave her a death glare. "He made you horny?" Taylor asks. Taylor meant it as a rhetorical question. But Rebekah answered her anyway. "Yes, and I winked at him. Me... Winked at the Bad Boy." Rebekah exclaims. "Of course he made you horny. He is like a walking sex stick." Taylor wiggles her eyebrows.

"Tell me about it." Rebekah rolls her eyes. "I just want to lick him so badly. He is so yum." Rebekah says. "Duhh, he is Jeremiah. God's gift to human kind." Taylor says.

"I think he is a sex magnet, even though he is egocentric. He is so beautiful. He can have my babies anytime." Taylor adds. Rebekah laughs at Taylor's silliness.  Taylor joins in and laughs with Rebekah.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" Mathew says mockingly. Mathew Bishop, he is known for having the wildest parties ever. He has all the girls wrapped around his finger. Except for Taylor and Rebekah, of course. Mathew, Taylor and Rebekah are great friends. They drive each other insane. But great friends.

"Shut up Matt." Taylor playfully rolls her eyes at Matthew. Taylor always had a crush of Matthew. But he is notorious for being a player. Taylor doesn't know that Rebekah knows about this crush. Rebekah knows everything. Rebekah reads body language all too well.

"You know you love me? " Matthew asks hoping she would say yes. "You wished my fine ass loved you." Taylor says smugly. Matthew face falls a little before Taylor caught it. But Rebekah did.

"You guys ready for the party Friday?" Mathew asks changing the subject quickly. "When are we not ready? Matthew." Taylor asks him. There is some kind of spark in Mathew's eye whenever Taylor speaks to him. Mathew does what he does for Taylor to notice him. Whenever Taylor says his full name, he tries not be affected. But he is, he always his.

"We all going to get laid." Taylor exclaims. Rebekah laughs at her best friend's randomness. "This momma need some lovin'!" Rebekah says and points down to her private part. Taylor laughs and says, "You're not alone, my dear friend."

"Mathew, will you get me hot guy to pounce on?" Taylor asks innocently. Mathew scrunches up his nose in disgust. "You are disgusting Taylor." Matthew says.

"But you love me though." Taylor grins widely and turns around.

"I do love you." Matthew whispers more to himself, but Rebekah caught on. Rebekah looks between them sadly. She always said they belonged together, since they met.

Matthew shakes his head and grins at Rebekah before turning towards the teacher that's entering the class.

Rebekah sighs and starts plotting on how to get them together.


Lunch period couldn't come any sooner for Rebekah. She was starving. She could literally eat a cow. As she waits in the line for her food, someone taps her shoulder lightly. She turns around to see who it is. Her eyes slightly widen, she has never seen such blue eyes in her life. It was somehow the ocean, and the night sky at the same time. She must have been drooling because the guy felt a little bit uncomfortable.

"Hey... I'm Luke. I'm new here and I was wondering if you c-could... " Luke was very nervous. Rebekah notices the blush that crept up his neck. Rebekah couldn't help but embarrass him a little more. "Hi Luke, I'm Rebekah. But you can call me Beck." Rebekah grins at Luke. He grins right back at her. "You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen Luke." Rebekah compliments him. Luke's blush went all up to his cheeks. He was full on red right now. Rebekah couldn't help but feel smug.

"T-Thank you Rebekah." Luke scratches the back of his neck. Rebekah couldn't tell he was nervous. "Would you like to join me and my friends at my table?" Rebekah asks as she puts her food on her tray. "If I won't intrude." Luke replies. "Oh sweety, you won't. I have a feeling you might fit in there just great." Rebekah grins widely at him. As they make their way to Rebekah's table, Taylor's eyes move from her food to her best friend, and then she notices someone walking next to her. Taylor's eyes widen at the boys blue eyes.

"Guys, I would like for you to meet Luke. Luke meet Mathew, Delilah, Chris and Taylor." Rebekah says happily. Everyone greets except for Taylor. Taylor was gaping at Luke. Mathew noticed how Taylor was looking at Luke. Matt was jealous. Rebekah noticed it too. Rebekah slides in next to Taylor and Luke on the other side. Taylor is still looking at Luke. "Your e-eyes... It's beautiful." Taylor says breathlessly.

"I know, right? I said the same thing Tay-Tay." Rebekah says and starts munching on her food and starts talking to Delilah.

"Thank you Taylor." Luke blushes. Taylor must have snapped out of her daze cause she was smiling widely at Mathew. Nothing could replace Mathew in Taylor's heart. Not even the blue eyed boy. Mathew returns the smile and resume his conversation with Chris.

Jeremiah enters the lunch and scans the room for Luke, Luke is Jeremiah's younger, just by a month. Or step bother as Jeremiah use to call him. Jeremiah sees him sitting with that girl he saw from Literature period. He was shocked when the beautiful girl winked at him.

He makes towards his way towards the table with a smug look on his face.

"Luke, I've seen you made some new friends." Jeremiah says.

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