Chapter 1: I'm Back

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Chapter 1

“I’m Back...”

“It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Japan!” Mayu said while riding on the family’s car with his family.

“Welcome back, Mayu-kun.” Mayu’s mom and dad said with a cheerful smile on their faces.

“It’s been awhile, Yuu-niichan!!!” Miyuki happily shouted and she hugged his twin brother.

Mayu smiled back seeing his family doing great. While they’re traveling back to their home they caught up in a traffic, he was looking on the car’s window he saw a poster passing by. On the poster said “Kashiwagi Yuki’s 3rd SOLO LIVE ‘NETEMO SAMETEMO YUKIRIN WORLD 〜MOTTO MUCHUU NI SASECHAU ZO♡〜’” and he saw a girl on the poster who’s dazzling in a red dress. Suddenly he remembers a girl named Kashiwagi Yuki before back in his younger days.

“Kashiwagi Yuki? Don’t tell me that girl on the poster... is that what I think it is? Yuuchan?!! Ehhh?!” He suddenly let his shocked out and his family looks back at him.

“Yuu-niichan, are you okay?” Miyuki curiously asked him.

“Ahh~ sorry if I shocked you guys, I’m fine... I was just shocked about what I saw... He he he~” Mayu nervously said.

“Is that so? If you need something I’ll be always around here, Yuu-niichan!” said Miyuki with a big bright smile on her face.

“A-Arigato Miyuki, thanks for still being there even if it’s been a long time since we talk like this.” Mayu said with a worried smile.

“What are you saying, Yuu-niichan, I’ve never change since the last time you talk to me like this, you really haven’t change a bit too. You’re still the niichan I know who’s always worried about everything!” Miyuki said while pouting.

“Hahaha! Hai Hai~ you know me too much, Miyuki...” Mayu said while patting Miyuki’s head.

“We’re here!” Mayu’s parents said in unison.

He open the door’s car and went out and see’s the old Watanabe Mansion located in Osaka. He begun to remember all the things he does before in the mansion.

“The mansion is still the same, looks awesome as always.” he said with a smile on his face.

And all of a sudden he remembers his younger years back and it all started in summer back when he was 10 years old in Kagoshima.

“Ahh yes, I wonder how does Kagoshima looks like now. The place where I first met Kashiwagi Yuki, yep... Yuuchan. I wonder if the girl on the poster I saw was really you. Looks like you really did achieved your dreams eh? I’m still hoping that I could still talk to you like we used to be... Like how we met in that summer days.” Mayu thought about it.

10 years ago...

“Mayu-kun, please listen... You’re going to Kagoshima... You’ll be staying in your grandparent’s home. I want you to have a private life in Kagoshima and continue on with your education there.” his mom explained to him.

“But why Mom? I want to be with our family. Who’s going to look after Miyuki if you’ll send me to Grandma and Grandpa’s place? Why?!” Mayu said while tears are falling on his cheeks.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Miyuki, please just go with it Mayu-kun. One day you’ll know why we did this decision and will definitely say it when the time will totally come. You can visit us here in Osaka on you vacation days but for now, just please stay in Kagoshima. It’s for your own good.” his mom said while wiping Mayu’s tears.

“I’m going to miss this place, Mom! I’ll miss you, Dad and Miyuki and everyone here in the mansion but if this is for my own good... I guess I’ll accept it... But I’ll definitely visit here on my vacations, okay? Promise me you’ll look after Miyuki for me and promise me that I can always visit the mansion if I wanted to” Mayu replied back to her mom.

“Yes, we promise you that. Just do your best In Kagoshima, okay, Mayu-kun” Mayu’s mom replied back while her tears started to fall.

Mayu wipe her mother’s tears and said “I’ll definitely do my best, Mom... I promise you that.”

On that night...

“Nee, Yuu-niichan, why are you packing your things?” Miyuki questioned his niisan.

“I’ll be leaving the mansion, I’ll be going to Kagoshima to continue what I started here... Miyuki, please always look after Mom and Dad for me... Promise me?” Mayu replied back.

Miyuki begun to cry and said “I promise, I don’t want Niichan to leave but if that’s for the best for the family I won’t stop you, Niichan” then hugs Mayu.

Mayu hugs back Miyuki and said “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine... Whatever happens... If you want to talk to Niichan you can always call me, I promise I’ll definitely listen, okay?” pats Miyuki’s head and wipes her tears.

Miyuki nodded and the twin siblings fell asleep.

The next day...

Mayu says goodbye to her family and everyone else in the Watanabe Mansion and travelled to Kagoshima with his grandparents. After a few hours they finally arrived in his grandparent’s home. Their home in Kagoshima isn’t that big like the Watanabe Mansion but it is located near the beach. Mayu’s grandparents gave him a tour in the house after that, they let him unpack all his things to put it in his room and arrange everything.

After everything was settled, they have dinner because it was getting late. While having dinner they also talked to each other about how he is doing and some random questions.

“Mayu-kun, after summer ends you’ll be studying in Kagoshima Middle School. I’m sure you’ll make new friends there but for now please enjoy summer and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it since your new home is near the beach.” his grandma said with a smile on her face.

“Hai grandma, I will definitely enjoy. Hope I’ll make friends this summer too.” Mayu said while smiling back.

“I’m sure you will. Well anyway, you should go get ready for bed… it’s getting late. You need to sleep so that you can explore the beach early tomorrow.” grandma replied.

“Yes grandma, I’ll get ready for bed… I’m getting sleepy… Oyasumi, Grandma.” Mayu said while giving his grandma a kiss on the cheek.

“Oyasumi, Mayu-kun.” grandma said while giving his grandson a hug and kiss on the forehead.

As Mayu went to his room and went to his bed, his thinking about what’s happening to his family in the mansion and he hopes that they are alright. “Hope everything will be alright from now on.” he said and slowly went to sleep without even noticing.

The next morning…

Mayu woke up around 7:30 am and he decided to take a stroll in the near beach around his new home. After a few walks from home he finally arrived in the beautiful clean beach. He was looking at the scenery and he was mesmerize on how beautiful was the sea at that moment.

“woah, sugoii! The sea is so calm now…” he said.

He strolled the beach for a while but after that he didn’t noticed that he was already lost his way home.

“Waaa!?! I’m lost?! Where am I?!” he said with a worried face.

While he was still roaming around to find his way home he saw a girl near the beach. The girl was just sitting near the beach alone. Mayu was planning on approaching the girl but when he was about to ask the girl, she begun to run away from him but Mayu chased him and got a hold of her.

Will the girl help him to get back home?

Chapter End.

Waiting in that summer.. [ON-GOING: Chapter 12 updated]Where stories live. Discover now