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After this, Harry avoided Louis for a few days until he managed to keep a straight face when merely thinking about the fact that he was actually in love with his best friend.

He sent Louis emails every day, stating that he was sick and he even feigned a fever so that his mom would let him stay home from school. It wasn't that hard to do – he just pressed a cup of hot tea against his ear (and burnt himself but whatever, it was worth it) right before his mom put a thermometer into it.

Being away from Louis didn't help. It was like Harry's every thought evolved around him, like Louis had taken his mind and made it his own. Harry thought about what Louis was like and the way he sometimes smiled when he thought Harry wasn't looking, and how sad life was for Louis.

Louis possessed a type of intelligence that people underestimated and it had rendered him bitter. Harry understood that and in a way, Louis was vindicated to be bitter too. Harry didn't know what it was like to be trapped inside his mind with no sound from outside to reach him. He didn't know what it was like to be vulnerable and strong at the same time, but he did know that Louis could love. It wasn't too late for him and if Louis' world was inside his head then Harry would have to worm his way into it. Louis wasn't deaf, not to Harry. It was more complicated than that.

Harry wrapped his arms around himself as he watched Louis from across the room. It was the first time in days that he was in Louis' room again, but it was okay. He didn't seem to be suspicious and Harry shamelessly studied the teen.

He was still gorgeous and there was still nothing wrong with him. He was still more smart, attractive and kindhearted than anyone Harry had ever met. It was like this was Louis' body's way of compensating for his initial perfection. It was only truly visible for those willing to turn a deaf ear, no pun intended.

Louis looked up from his book and Harry smiled at him. Louis seemed to hesitate, confused, before he slowly nodded to Harry to acknowledge him.

Harry paused and licked his lips, his brows furrowing as he tried to remember the new word he had learned in sign language. Louis was still staring at Harry as Harry signed only one word to him.


He didn't know how Louis would respond, didn't even know if he was aware of the fact that Harry was learning sign language just for him. He didn't want to freak Louis out and for a brief moment Harry panicked.

But then Louis smiled. He signed one word back.



For the longest time Harry wondered to himself what being brave meant.

Did it mean having a lack of fear or feeling fear but being willing to push through regardless? Did it mean just not giving a fuck about what other people thought and just soldiering on? Harry thought about what significance that word may hold to Louis, and what the word meant to himself. He decided that it didn't matter.

Louis thought he was brave so that was what Harry was. He decided to stop being afraid of voicing his own emotions before it would be too late and confessed to Louis how he felt about him.

And just like that, they went from best friends to boyfriends.

Bravery, Harry found out after that, was a fickle thing. It could influence a lot of things for the better or worse whereas beauty was timeless. He still was uncertain of what was better but Harry figured that it didn't matter either. He was the happiest boy in the world right now and nothing could stop it.

He didn't know that he was brave for simply acquainting himself with someone as dangerous as Louis.

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