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So I got tagged...  Yeah..

Here we go

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Here we go

1) who are your friends


And anyone who I follow really

2) what do you like to do with friends?

Watch anime,  draw,  eat,  walk/ride around the neighborhood,  annoying neighbors with my Rollerblades, play percussion, ukulele yeah,... Text... Yeah, about it

3) what are you gonna be when you grow up?

At this point, I don't know... Either youtube, artist, knee surgeon, but for now, I wanna be one of the few freshmen ((when I get to collage)) to be on the marching Chiefs,  ((I really badly wanna prove my brother wrong))

4) are you gonna get married

Probably not, but I do wanna marry this girl, but...  I don't think she likes me anymore, ever since I came out trans..

5) how many children are you gonna have?

Imma adopt two and if I get one from VH I'll support I'll take that one too, so,  about three? From adoption of course!

6)favourite food?

Chicken,  rabbit stew, egg rolls, chocolate cereal, chocolate, gushers yeah... Donuts,

7) steak, lolies,  jollies ranchers, that is, all bit the blue and red ones,  and, all gum but mint...

8) favourite thing to do in school?


Just,  BAND!

I don't have art, so...  And band I have for three classes, so I mean, it works

9)what's your favourite thing to do with mum?

Which mum? That made me depressed a little,

Okay,  with my biological mum, just to hang out, do art, watch TV, and just hang out with her really...  I mean,  anything would be great,  whether it's art, or just watching and making fun of TV shows

10) what's your favourite thing to do with dad?

It use to be hunting, but...  Now I don't have a strong bond with him...

11) what do you love the most?

My dogs ashes, and my drumset(s)

12) what do you like best about yourself?

Um,  maybe my loud voice,  but...  My teachers hate me because of that, and so do most of my friends...  Including ones at school.

13) something you're proud of?

Umm... I guess, how I sometimes handle my panic attacks? I've had three this year, and the very first one I had was during pre-k.  So,  I mean, I do tend to handle them well

14) what do you want to get better at?

Reading, and relaxing, and also relaxing my eyes... I need glasses to relax my eyes, and I lost them two years ago

15) favourite colour?

At this point, I don't really have one besides black and red, and sometimes blue

16) favourite game?

Life's strange,  undertale, fnaf (the whole series),  Minecraft, COD; ghost

17) favourite song?

Whisky  lullaby,  boys round here,  sail,*a car, a touch,  a death*,  and anything from TOP,  Blake Shelton, Jake Owen,  and ect

18) favourite holiday?

Probably, St Patrick Day, because it's my birthday and it's the least busiest

19) favourite place to go?

New York, but if we're talking about at my home town, probably my school,  because it gets me away from reality

20) taggs



I'm tired, it's twelve in the morning

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