now she's gone but something is next

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With Britt gone and me going to be doing my things, it will be hard for me to see her again. Maybe one day Britt and I will run into each other again and catch up with telling our amazing stories. I will miss her so much. With the way I am, I don't even know how I'm gonna get anything done without stopping and thinking about her. Everyone and everything I see and do, has her in my mind.

For months I've been thinking about her and wishing she would call me or text me just to talk or anything. I told her, a couple days before she left that, "I will wait as long as I can, till the end and back, for u to say yes or to get in touch." Then, I got a text. It was from Britt. I've been waiting so long and now it's happening.

Britt- hey, how have u been

Adam- hey, it's been good. I've missed talking to u. R u coming back home?

Britt- that's good. I've missed talking to u too. And no I won't be coming home for a wile. I just want to talk.

Adam- ok well uk how much I like talking to you. Lol

Britt- lol. Yea. So how's the job?

Adam- it's been good how's yours?

Britt- good just alot of work. So about u asking me that question. With the uk ...

Adam- yea? What's up?

Britt- I've been thinking about it. and it's possible that it might happen like im not sure though. Like I said I'm thinking about it.

Adam- that's great that's great. So how long will u be down there?

Britt- for a couple years but I was thinking, because I found the same job down here, u could move down here with me. And we will be closer together just in separate houses. I built a house for u. It's down the block from me, in walking distance.

Adam- that's wonderful I'll see what I could do and I understand about the house part it would just be weird if we live in the same house or right nextdoor. Perfectly fine with me.

So a few years passed by quickly and I had moved down there with Britt. I was so happy and we have been talking alot more after that night. It was busy but I moved and as soon as I got there, she was greeting me at the door. We hugged for a few seconds and then it got weird. It felt like we were in college all over again except we were done with college and had career jobs.

I was finally done unpacking and I went to Britt's place. It was big but not to big. She was making dinner and when I looked at the counter she had two plates out and it was just her so I had a feeling I was staying for dinner. I told her that dinner was great and was about to leave a little after. But she told me to stay to watch a movie and have a couple drinks. I sat down on the couch while she put in the move. She sat right next to me and I asked, what movie did you put in?


I replied with, oh a romance move, wow ok.

She had looked into my eyes and my heart was melting. I wanted to kiss her so bad but I didn't. While watching the movie, she put her head on my chest. She layed on her back and looked at me. She said, will you play with my hair, I like it when u play with my hair. She rolled back on her side and I started putting my fingers through her long hair.

We both fell asleep. When I woke up, she was laying like me just with her head on my chest and my arm rapped around her waist. I was wondering if she knew that we fell asleep together. I don't think we ment to fall asleep but we did. To be honest, I love when were together and not fighting.

I've thought about going to the jewelry store to look at promise rings but I was thinking it was way to soon. We had just got back to being closer as friends and I'm hoping that she will want to get back together with me.

She moved, she moved what do I do? Do I just sit here or like what do I do? I realized that she was still asleep just she was adjusting. She put her hand on my chest and moved her thumb. Did she know that it was me? Does she know that I'm with her and she's being with me again? I'm so confused.

Hours had passed and I had fallen back asleep. Three hours later she wakes up with a shocked reaction but didn't kick me out. She had asked me what time, day and where her phone was. It was Saturday, the time is 12:30pm and her phone was in her room. She gets up, goes to her room and finds that her phone is dead. It was right next to her charger but not on the charger. I asked if there was anything that I could do and she said no she was good. She looks at her calender and it says Saturday. She relaxed and came back over to me and layded down back on my chest.

I was confused but it was ok. I asked her if we were back together or something. She replies with an ummhumm. I was happy and relxed. Rubbing her back and playing with her hair. I fall back asleep.

While sleeping I have this dream of Britt and I. I'm taking Britt to a dinner and a movie. When we're at dinner I give her a promise ring. She had approved so I put it on her finger. The people around us applauded. The date was over and we headed to her place she asked me to stay over to give her company. I would sleep on the couch unless she asks me to sleep next to her.

I wake up to the smell of food and clanking dishes. I sit up and realize I'm in her bed like she woke my up while I was sleeping and put me in her bed. She comes into the room and asks, are you hungry?

Yeah, what you making?

Bacon, sausage, and hamburgers.

Cool. Smells good.

I think that after a few months or years I'mma ask if she wants to promise until the big day.

I went to eat and headed to my house to change. Of course she asks me if I'm coming back and I say yes. It was another good night and I wake up with a surprising surprise.

Author's note: let me know what you think and what should go on it the next chapter.

What do u want the date to be like

What you want to happen on the date

And what to do at what house.

Comment below 👇 what you think and what you want. Dont forget to leave a vote.

imagination comes to lifeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora