Chapter 1: Cryababy Usagi Makes the Scene

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Celestial Warrior Moon:

Disclaimer: I do not own any Sailor Moon related properties. Sailor Moon is the property of Toei Animation and Naoko Takeuchi. This is a fan work created to celebrate the work. It is not intended to infringe on any copyrights.

Chapter 1

Crybaby Usagi Makes The Scene

Tokyo, Japan, 1992.

"Alright, Yamagata, the truck's coming in. Over," A voice cracked over the radio.

"I hear you, Nagano, and I hear the truck. Opening the door now. Keep an eye out. Over," Yamataga spoke into the receiver.

Yamataga turned to his men and nodded his graying head. A young man in a ballcap went over to raise the overhead door. He was obviously nervous and fumbled with the handle.

"Calm down and just open the door," he heard Yamagata's aged voice say.

The worker nodded to his employer and tried again, this time lifting the door open. Then he stepped aside and allowed the delivery truck to back into the storage facility. It came to a stop inside. They heard the motor turn off. Then the driver hopped out and went around to the back to open it. He unlocked the back of the truck and swung the doors open. Inside were piles and piles of wooden or cardboard boxes.

The short, squat driver turned around to face the thirty-something men in the warehouse, and then stepped out of their way. Two of Yamagata's men climbed into the back. They knew exactly what to look for amongst the packed materials. They reemerged a moment later, each carrying three black metal boxes about the size of a briefcase. They each bore a different Kanji on the lock.

They set the boxes down in a row across a long table in the middle of the warehouse. The table was located directly under a bright light.

"Nagano, is everything still clear out there? Over," Yamagata asked.

"Yes. All the monitors are showing nothing, nothing, and nothing. Over."

"Good. Have your men report in, anyway. Over."

He put away the two-way radio and turned to his men.

"Alright, let's open them up," Yamagata ordered.

A skinny man with long hair and a leather jacket stepped forward and unlocked each case. Then he stepped back again as Yamagata looked in each and every case. Precious gems, diamonds, and other jewelry all lied on padded and soft lining in each of the six cases. Eighteen each per case.

"So far it seems like you have done well. Bring in Dr. Okinawa."

On cue, the doctor was escorted in. The short, frail old man laid his briefcase down next to the boxes containing the precious stones. He took off his thick, wide-brimmed glasses which were replaced by his Jeweler's Glass. He took out some other instruments from his briefcase and went over to the table to begin the long process of studying the stones, one by one. The time spent was was worth it. When he was done he nodded to Yamagata.

"The rocks are all genuine," the doctor's throaty voice croaked.

Yamagata nodded to a woman in a business suit. She took out a check and handed it to the driver. He accepted and bowed to Yamagata. Then he got back into the cab of the delivery and drove off into the night. The overhead door was pulled tightly shut again once he was gone.

"Am I going to be dragged out my bed again next week as well?" Dr. Okinawa asked Yamagata, somewhat wearily. "I have to tell you, Sato, these late nights here at the warehouses are starting to take their toll on me. I'm not as young as I used to be. Neither of us are."

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