To A Bomb-tastic Friend

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"When I mean bombastic, I mean a friend that left an impression on you that you'll never forget."

Whenever I passed by that door that lead to that world where I belonged, it brought me many memories. It was a bit old, with cobwebs hanging onto the edge of the doorposts.

Getting to that door was a challenge because the long passageway to get there was narrow.

I wanted to go there, even though I felt discomfort and guilt. It was a place to momentarily escape to and think of the fond memories. The people there were amazing, and that cannot be replaced by the ' forgotten door' section.

Even though I try go by unnoticed, I still feel welcomed.

It was home.

Although it was a world full of fantasy, the people there were real. So were their feelings.

Rather than dwell on what I cannot change, I am glad that I was part of their lives even if it was just for a short while. :)

I learned a lot about myself and others.

The laughs we shared, the disappointments, the charading on a group chat (that was very interesting all the time. Laughing my head off!)

The Bomber and the Grump were a explosive duo in terms of crazy things they did together. No matter what time or how far away they were from each other they had time to spare for the other. Genuine interest rather than just writing fanfiction.

I always keep coming back to that door and I think back on those times. Not one moment do I ever regret that.

My Dad always tells me in whatever I do "Be brave, my girl."

"I'm still alive", one of my friends always said. Haha.

I still wonder what my "old, buddy 'ol-pal" is doing nowadays...

Always afraid to ask or whether it's the best time. But when is it ever? ;) haha

I'm here. I'm still me. Just a little bit older...

You've had a great impact on my life and your a very special person to me. I don't think that'll ever change. I don't want it to change.

You know who you are? ( XD I'm playing along. Being all mysterious and stuff~ )

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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