Part 3

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The car-ride home was long and boring. Her mum was driving her home. Only her mum... She sat slumped towards the window, her hand holding her light face up. She looked outside, the sky being bright and sunny. She loathed the day. She made herself believe that the sun was only bright because it was happy, something she had always told herself when she was younger, and now that she wasn't happy, she felt... Jealous. She was thinking about her dad, and how she had been seperated from him at a young age. 

One day when Myra was 6, she woke up and immediately went to see her father, but he wasn't anywhere to be found. She found her mum sat in the living room, crying, bruises and cuts on her soft face, arms, and mostly all over her body. They looked recent. Myra ran outside, and saw her dad walking towards his car. She ran up to her dad, confused. 

"Daddy! Where are you-" She started to say, but was interrupted by her dad turning around and pushing her over. He didn't say a word, but glared at her, and then proceeded to turn back around and get into his car. By the time she got up and had wiped away upcoming tears, he was just about to drive off. She ran towards the car, but it drove off. She attempted to run after the car, calling for her father, but the car was too fast, and left her. She started to cry. Something that was unusual for Myra to do. For the first time she felt deserted; mistreated.

Myra remembered the memory of her father leaving her, and felt hot, steamy tears sting her eyes. She hastily blinked, and wiped them away, leaving a small trace of wet, black mascara which had now become watery from the tears in her eyes. Her mother looked up at the mirror which displayed her heartbroken daughter. She wanted to do something, or say something, but she knew  she would make it worse. She concentrated on driving the two home.

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