Part 4

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Blankets covered Myra's body. She didnt want to do anything, but lay in bed. She played with her bandage dejectedly. She wanted to do something, but couldnt. All she felt she could do was lay there and dig her nail into the bandage. She tried not to dig her nail in too deep, since it wasn't very thick coverage, but she dug it in deep still. The white bandage seemed to constantly be clenching tighter to her skin, making her feel confined. Infact, it seemed like her whole room was starting to contract. The walls seemed to be growing closer to her, and the blankets seemed to strain against her. She closed her eyes in frustration, and buried her head into the soft, purple sheets. She looked at her bandage once more, before realising that the voices hadn't talked to her since before she passed out. She was both worried and relived.

"Myra~" One of her less common voices whispered.

Her eyes widened. She could recognise this voice anywhere and at any time. This voice was more distinct than the others; not because of what it sounded like, but what it said to her.

"Myra, I know you're there~" it hymned.

"You can't ignore me forever.." it added, producing a little laugh.

Myra's heart was now beating at the speed of light. This voice was the most scariest out of any. Her whole body shook like an earthquake, terrified of what might happen.

"Myra~. Come out to play~!" It said creepily.

"Leave me alone... please." She said.

She knew she wouldn't win, but she might as well try to fight it off.

"That's not how I work, Myra. You out of all people know that." It declared.

She couldn't stand to hear it talk. Why?

Because the voice sounded exactly like her...

"Myra~. Talk to me, Mymy." It chanted.

She threw a pillow over her head to shut the voice up, but that didn't work. She tried playing with her bandage to ignore it, only to get the same outcome. She tried punching a wall as soft as she could, sticking her head out of her window, doing stuff on her laptop, yet nothing would work. It would constantly call out for her, luring her to listen and obey to it. She tensed up her entire body.

"What do you want..?" She asked the voice steadily.

"I want you to do something for me, Myra. I want you to cut yourself." It whispered.

"But I already do.. What difference will--" She proclaimed, interrupted halfway.

"Deep." It added.

"What!? I'm not going to cut deep, a-are you crazy!? I don't wanna slice my arm open! Not because of you." She choked in disgust.

"But all those times you've been upset... Doesn't that matter? Don't you want to cut the pain away? Maybe you will change your mind..." It said.

At first, nothing happened, but within seconds poor Myra was being flooded of unhappy memories. Memories of being beaten when she was younger by her older brother who was now in prison, memories of her father leaving, memories of her mother crying, of her mother drinking and smoking, of her insomnia, of her friends leaving her, of being pushed around, of being called names and laughed at...

"STOP!" She screamed, tears leaking out of her eyes.

Thankfully her mother wasn't awake. She knew she was fast asleep and wouldn't wake up. Myra ran to the kitchen as fast as she could, got a large knife and then went to the bathroom. She made the first cut. It was deeper than intentioned because she realized that she couldn't feel it; not at all, for that matter. The pain wasn't there. The feeling of the knife was there, but she seemed to not feel pain. She was incredibly confused and shocked. She didn't mind it, as it would at least be less pain for her, and she continued to slice her arm, cutting deep. Tears were now stinging her eyes, and flooding down her cheeks like a waterfall. She could hear nothing but the sounds of her crying softly to herself and the voice inside her head laughing. Thick, fresh, warm blood poured out of her wounds and onto her clothes. She didn't care much about this, though. She suddenly felt over-heated, like her body was on fire. She rushed to the window and pulled up the blinds. Her heart almost stopped when she opened the blinds. There was a tall, slender figure. It was white, and had a suit on. Long tendrils came from it's back. Despite the fact it had no facial features, she felt like it was looking right at her, and that it's stare was piercing right into her head. Suddenly, her ears started ringing. She fell onto her back, almost screaming as soon as she saw it. When she got up, her head had grew a headache and she was breathing heavily. The figure was no longer there. 

"What was t-that thing? Was it even there in the first place? A-Am I going m-mad?" She questioned herself quietly.

She opened the window and poked her head out of it, looking left and right. She tucked herself back into the bathroom and stood there, confused. After thinking about it for a while, she took her knife, washed it, put it back in the kitchen, went back to the bathroom, washed her cuts a little and then bandaged them, before going back to bed. For the first time in a long time, undeterred by the figure, she slept well.

As soon as Myra woke up, she noticed that the blood had leaked from her wound, through the bandage, and onto her bed sheets.  Her mother walked in. 

"Myra, it's time to wa-" she said, but stopped as soon as she saw Myra awake.

She opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it as soon as she saw Myra's bloody bandages and bed sheets.

"Myra... What is that!?" She choked out.

Myra slowly looked up to her mother and met her eyes. Her eyes seemed to stand out more than they usually do. They looked a brighter, lighter shade of blue than usual.

"I cut myself." Myra croaked, her voice sounding slightly hoarse.

She was expressionless, not showing any emotion. Just a blank stare towards her mother. Her mum instantly panicked. She walked up to her pale daughter and looked at her once more, before lifting the bandages. The cuts were deep into her arm. There wasn't that many, but they were deep.

"Oh my gosh. Myra..." She mouthed, her eyes filling with tears.

She didn't say anything more, but  ran into her own room. Myra remained motionless, as she heard her mum in her room.

"Hello? Is this accident and emergency?" Her mother asked, on the phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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