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⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀— ᏟᎻᎪᏢᎢᎬᎡ ჯᏆᏆᏆ ;;

⠀⠀⠀⠀Bex practically stomped through the darkening palace, only lit by dim candles that were flickering with every movement in the palace air. Everyone had gone to sleep, except for Bex, who was confused and angry. Why the hell had Stephen been leaving notes everywhere!?

First Emile, now her? Who else had gotten these damn notes?!

Her blood was boiling as she walked to the servants quarters, and banged on the door louder than intentioned, but she didn't care, she was angry. Practically livid. An old man opened the door, much to Bex's surprise, she had forgotten that all of the servants shared a room, and forced her features to soften as she asked where Stephen was.

"Stephen?" The man asked, "we have three Stephens here, I'm afraid you'll have to clarify." Bex could tell the man was more than a little frustrated to be woken up.

"Blonde, a little taller than me?" She explained, motioning her hand a little bit above her head to show how tall the boy was, the man snickered as he leaned against the doorframe.

"You just ruled out one of our Stephen's." He said, amused. Bex huffed and peeped past the old man's shoulder, looking for the Stephen she was thinking of. "Look can you think of anything else, or are you going to leave me to rest?" He asked after someone shouted a not-so-nice phrase out the door and into the halls.

Bex sighed, "may I look around? I believe he may be sending my friends and I some...Message." She explained, and the man looked suddenly interested.

"You're looking for Stephen Tayloss," he realized, "strange kid, never spoke much. He's taken a liking to one of your friends, Gracyn?"

"Yes! Can you tell me where he is?!" She asked, and the man nodded through a yawn. Bex felt a little bad about waking these people up, but didn't focus on the guilt.

"He told us he was spending most of the the night in that Gracyn kid's room, 'docs orders.' He should be back soon." he quoted with an eye roll, "in my opinion, I think the kid just has a thing for the archer. Never understood his attraction to men, though I don't question it." He trailed off topic, glancing down the halls. Bex panicked and thanked the man before bolting down the hall, ignoring the pain from her wound as she made her way down the halls.


Felix walked towards Emile's quarters, glass of water in hand. This had become a regular thing the past couple of days. Because, though Emile was more stabilized, his immune system seemed to be suffering from the lack of strength. Things were getting serious.

It started late one evening, when Emile came into Felix's room coughing and wheezing. He had managed to say that 'something was wrong' and that he felt like his 'organs were trying to destroy themselves.'

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