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             Two days later, I return to Hogwarts and thank Professor Dumbledore for allowing my visit. He gives me a strange look, like he knows something but sends me on my way. My trip home wasn't quite what I'd expected but atleast it's over with. I leave the gargoyle statue behind as it moves back into it's place in front of the staircase and head through the corridors back to my dorm. I hadn't told anyone that I was leaving and I can only imagine the lecturing I'm going to get from Ginny for it.


My head whips around to find the source of the voice and my eyes widen.

"Matthew." It comes out as a whisper as our eyes meet, the fury dancing in his gaze evident.

I start to back away while mumbling curses. I was hoping things would've been different upon my return but I knew better than that. Matthew crosses the space between us before I can run and I find myself pressed between his body and the wall of an alcove.

"You ruined my family's reputation you Bitch!" He growls, roughly slamming my body against the stone.

"And you ruined my life Matthew!" I counter. "Did you think you could just get away with beating me and treating me like rubbish for the rest of our lives?"

He ignores my words and begins to speak again.

"While you may have ruined our reputation, it doesn't mean that you're free from me. Your parents can boo-hoo all they want but you're still mine."

"In your dreams. They're set to have a meeting with Professor Dumbledore this evening to discuss the events that have taken place this year, and they've got photographic evidence. I'm sure it'll be a matter of time before you're expelled and I'll never have to see you again." I answer smugly as I try to push away from him.

His grip tightens on my arm before raising his hand toward me. Before it makes contact with me, I see a fist make contact with his face. He lets me go as he staggers backward. My gaze lands on Draco who's glare is focused on Matthew who is straightening to face him. A small smirk crosses my face as I notice blood trickling from Matthew's nose. Draco moves over to me and grabs my hand, pulling me closer toward him. Matthew chuckles darkly as he looks at both of us.

"Of course, Malfoy has to step in. Get away from her, this doesn't concern you."

"If you value your life, you'll leave her alone." Draco counters as he draws his wand, pushing me behind him.

"A Death Eater defending a little Gryffindor, how cute." He hisses, drawing his own.

I look up at the back of Draco's head, wondering if Matthew is telling the truth. Of course the rumors flew about Draco's family and the Death Eaters, but it was never proven either way.

"Come on Draco, leave him be, he'll be gone soon enough." I mutter.

"Count your blessings, Johnson." Draco growls before casting a bat-bogey hex at Matthew then leads me away.

I follow him to the Room of Requirement and once we're seated he asks about what happened at home. I start to mess with a lock of hair as I explain it all to him, choosing to thank him first for somehow slipping the picture in with the letter. He smirks but doesn't reveal how he did it.

"Well, when I got home, Mom and Dad were waiting and accused me of lying and other such nonsense, wondering where I'd gotten stupid ideas like that. They said if I wanted to leave Matthew I just had to break up with him. I then explained that I couldn't just leave him as they'd suggested and took off the concealing charms to show the bruises that he left behind. I then showed them the picture you'd provided and Mom finally realized I was telling the truth. They told me not to worry and they'd fix everything. They're supposed to have a meeting this evening with Dumbledore, but that's all I know."

He nods but it seems like there's something he's hiding from me.

"Draco, what Matthew said back there-" I start quietly.

He doesn't answer verbally but he lifts the sleeve of his shirt to reveal smooth pale skin.

"I didn't mean to accuse you."

"I understand, the rumors don't escape the subject." He mumbles. "Johnson isn't so innocent anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"Just be careful around him, don't let yourself be alone with him anymore."

"I didn't plan on it anyway since he keeps assaulting me."

He opens his mouth to say something else but seems to think better of it and instead asks what my plans are once I'm 'free'. I let out a small laugh and shrug my shoulders.

"Hadn't quite thought about it. Sleep peacefully, hopefully evade the nightmares, enjoy wandering the halls without being attacked, I guess."

"I doubt a girl with looks like yours would stay single for long."

"Did you just call me attractive?" I ask, a small grin crossing my face.

"Of course not." He mutters, his piercing grey eyes suddenly avoiding my general direction.

"Honestly, after all of this mess, I don't know if I'd ever want to date. Who knows what kind of mess I'd find myself in. You'd be stuck trying to save me again."

"And who said I saved you?" He asks, looking back at me.

"Well considering you've helped me numerous times and you've given me reason to keep going on when I wanted to give up, so technically you've saved me."

I get to my feet, knowing I'll have to speak to Ginny before dinner and hopefully I'll get called to the meeting soon. As I walk to the door, I turn back to Draco and smile.

"Thank you, Draco Malfoy, for saving me." 

Save Me (Complete) *Draco x OC*Where stories live. Discover now