These sucky feelings

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Train walked down the dark alley towards the roof where him and Sayia usual met." Train-Kun your late" " Yep that's what she will say" he thought. Then a small blush was on his cheeks " I wonder if i look go enough?" the though came quick and out of the blue, " Train mentally shot himself He stopped and looked himself over in a puddle he wore his usual attire. He shrugged. As he started moving again, Then he saw her she was singing her usual song but Train had to stop she just looked to freaken beautiful. His eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat. He had a strawberry colored blush on and he shook. " Wow" was all that he could mumble at that moment. Then the raven haired girl saw him, their eyes met making Train unable to think. " Oh Hey there Train-kun your late you know" she said in a teasing tone. Her smile was on her lips and her eyes had a playful tone in them. " H-Hey Sayia um...I brought the goods" he said while not looking her in the eyes. Sayia's smile widened.

 " Awesome! come up here i wanna hang out with you again" she said to which Train nodded to as he began to jump on the houses to get to where she was, But at the last jump he missed and began to fall, Panic entered his mind. " I wanted to see and talk to her again" was his last though, but Sayia was able to grab his arm. " Gotcha" she said then she helped him up to the roof. Train felt safe as he took a few deep breathes before he Looked Sayia over while she took the milk out of the bag for the two of them. "Dang it what the heck is wrong with me" he wondered but his thoughts were soon interrupted by Sayia holding a bottle of milk in front of him. " Hey you probable really need this huh "she said  with a smile. Train laughed. " Yeah thanks Sayia" he said then he grabbed the milk from her hand. They drank their milk in quiet, Train was his normal calm self outside but on the inside his heart was beating super fast and a blush would every now and then make its way onto his cheeks and he tingled and shook from confusing and happiness. " Train are you OK? you seem, distant tonight" The female's calm and sweet voice both calmed and excited him at the same time. He didn't answer dew to trying to figure out what was wrong with him. " It it with the organization ?" she asked.  concern in her voice and words. Train flinched he didn't want that, " No its nothing i just am felling weird tonight nothing more" he said hopping he sounded better then he felt. Sayia sighed, " OK What's wrong?" she asked, " Well i-i fell wired around this certain person" he told her. Sayia stayed quiet for a moment before   answering, " well does she make u nerves and like you can't breathe or like you blush at anything they say or do?" she asked. 

Train nodded " Yeah so what is it?" he asked. " Love" Sayia said he could have sworn he had heard sadness in her voice but he shook the though away. " Really?" he asked asked. Sayia just nodded, " Y-Yeah um train im gonna go see you tomorrow" she mumbled. As she got up dropping her bottle on milk in the process it fell to the ground below shattering alley cats came and began to drink the milk dew to hunger. " Sayia are you-" but the ravennet stopped him. "I-im fine train really just stop k?" she asked before jumping from one roof to the next to get as far away from him as possible, Train cocked his head and his eyes widened, he wasn't sure what he had done but he knew he had screwed up badly. " Dang it all" he said and so out to anger he threw his bottle on the ground below as well. He then stopped and sighed. " At lest i know that now i want to be with her forever" he mumbled before heading home himself.         

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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