I'm doing this in one day bc 20 days is tOO MUCH

18 4 21


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1.) Without counting the tutorial, it was D.Va,,

2.) Junkrat-

3.) McHanzo, that shit is great--

4.) I don't really hate any character???

5.) Probably Nepal or Oasis,,

6.) Junkrat's Junkenstein Skin,,

7.) Defense

8.) Nope, I don't really want to tbh ??


10.) Any of Zarya's skins except for Ciberian,,

11.) I've drawn D.Va, Junkrat, Genji, Ana and a fUCK TON OF HANZO AND MCCREE

12.) We've been through this, McHanzo--

13.) Literally any ship involving Mercy,,

14.) Total Mayhem,,

15.) RIP-Tire I stg its the worst ultimate/ability in the game,,

16.) Scatter Arrow bc of its one shot ability,,

17.) Again, Junkenstein,,

18.) "How.....disappointing." - Zenyatta

19.) I really love Tracer tbh ??

20.) McCree or Hanzo, I love them both equally,,

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