Hey! More thoughts and stuff (aka Kaylen being serious for once)

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So, I know that I'm not all too good at articulation or dealing with ANYTHING relating to emotions and stuff. But I really try, okay? I don't mean to insult anyone, I just have a hard time understanding the reason why they were so upset in the first place.

As a person who's never really wanted to commit suicide or has ever really felt long periods of sadness or feeling like I'm worthless, it's hard for me to help people who feel these kind of things on a daily basis.

I do try, really I do. I try to stay positive about these kind of things. But then people say that I'm faking my care for them just because I've never seen them for real. And I don't know how to react to that because I KNOW that whatever I say, they won't believe me.

I try to constantly remind them that I care and I'm here if they want to talk but it usually ends badly.

Then there's these times when people take my advice but instead of actively trying to improve their wellbeing they use me as a sort of coping mechanism and I've never really understood why. I'm not some sort of machine built specifically for the purpose of making them happy, even I get annoyed if people say nothing to me for long periods of time then come back just to complain (I'm not throwing shade this is just a general example and this hasn't happened for a while I just wanted to bring it up because it CAN happen.)

I know that some people need the support, but I'm not capable of changing how a person acts and whatnot, that's on them.

Now, that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to help where possible, but people need to try to improve themselves, also. It isn't just my responsibility to make people happy and positive, they have to work on changing their own mindset, too.

I care about every single person who's ever spoken to me and truly care about their wellbeing. I know I'm not the best at voicing how much I care about people and I know that I'm terrible at dealing with more serious issues.

But, just know that I care and I want to help. But PLEASE do not use me just for that reason, I just want people to talk to, not just a person who uses me for emotional stability.

I'm sorry this turned into a bit of a ramble I just wanted to get this off my chest, thank you.

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