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Jung Hoseok x reader

You smiled as you got on the plane, you were leaving America, to back to Seoul, South Korea. You went to America so you could persue your acting career. You are doing well too. Although, since you didn't have any movies or shows lined up for you to be on or at, you decided to tell Hoseok you coming to visit him.

You smiled when you got off the plane, you got your bags from the baggage claim. And looked around "Hoseok, you said you were going to be here." You said to yourself, you looked up when you heard someone yell your name. You looked around and saw.... Him, he was standing there waving. You smiled as tears pricked your eyes. You ran to him he met you half way. You jumped into his arms and he twirled you around hugging you tightly. "Oh my god, I missed you so much!" You exclaimed he smiled at you, even though you couldn't see his mouth under the mask, you just knew it. I pulled his mask down and pressed his lips against yours. You were shocked but quickly got over it, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing him back. Just as hentle as he was. He pulled away you smiled at him. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that. I should have told you before you left, I love you so Y/N. I missed you so much." He said to you. 

You smiled at him happily, and pulled his mask back up. "I missed you too. And I love you to, Hobi." You said hugging him, he grabbed your hand, while you held the handle of the suitcase. "Let's say hi to the guys yeah?" He asked as you walked to his car. You nodded smiling. Happy to be with him once again.

You were finally Reunited.

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