returning written letter

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Ayo....... Dillard you got a letter from your daughter  don't worry you will be out very soon .....

Opens letters and silently reads it.....

Inner thoughts Dillard POV

Been bout 17 years since i last saw my baby daughter lex I heard so many amazing things about her, she's a nurse I also heard she graduate first from her school in Maryland Baltimore before heading to Virginia army base school, but I still remember the day you was born everything felt so good then I had to go away from some things in my past but now I wanna rekindle the lost years I know I can't because your grown but as your dad I wanna be there for you and see how beautiful you became I know I did fucked up shit but its in the past.....

Grabs pen and begins to write back..


Trust me I know how you feel honesty , but one thing you gotta remember is that not every person you met not gonna be there when you actually need them or show you affection but hey it's life and you see some people you might not need or have any ties to them because of the negatively that impacts life to show that many people have reasons to leave or stay up to them to choose the move they make or sticking to... But I'm doing fine I'll be home soon I miss everybody your mom and you mostly because you guys all I got left to my heart; without you guys I would  probably committed  suicide in my cell things way harder in here then out in the world , send me some pictures of you guys or old photos to show my angles still doing good without me cause y'all independent financial and mentally before I met your mom she had alot going on besides  just the part scamming she did but her career shows more potential then said

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