i am confusion

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Mckenna paced back and forth between their new HQ,

"What the actual fuck" - pega was left in a state of confusion. "We got these new powers and it almost as if they're weaker than our dankhantix"

"It's true" - Kaley "Y'all sucked with your powers, not gonna lie" - Matt

"Suck my ass" - Cait

"a c e " - matt

"ANYWAYS" - Mckenna started, "we might need to go back to dankchantix for now until we can figure and train our be-memeix powers"

"Agreed," the wibe six said in unison

"Hey, hows arash doing?" Natalie said kaley

"he's doing better, he's still  broken everywhere, but it's nothing my L O V3 can't fix" - Kaley

"is his dick broken too?" - cait


"ANYWAYS, " - Yara "we need to get focused, we took a lot of damage today, we're supposed to be the winx of this fanfiction"

"yeah let us start training" - Mckenna "But not here"

"Y n0t?" - Yara

"our current "HQ" is a McDonalds" - Mckenna

"THere IS nothinG WRong WitH a GOod mcd" - Kaley

"This is an American mcd" - Mckenna

"Let's get the FFUCK OUT OF HERE" -kaley


Matt was flipping through books upon books from the coc library, but he couldn't find anything regarding the powers of bememeix.  he sighed to himself

"how are we suppose to use these powers if we can't understand them" - Matt, 

he slumped back in his chair defeated. he got up from his chair and went outside to get some fresh air. but something was weird. 

he was being watched.

matt pulled out his phone casually, making it look like he wasn't aware that something, no some ON3 was watching. He quickly sent a help text to the "619 is airing later tmrw whoops" group chat and started going through his insta, he came across arash's insta page. A tear rolled down his eye. 

"My son"


"FRESH FIRE MEME" -Mckenna yelled as she cast a fire attack towards yara

but yara was quick enough to DOGE it with ease

"Nice" - mckenna 

"dank u" yara "-i have been working on dod-

before she could finish her sentence, yara was blasting off again due to pega.

"you were wide open, #sorrynotsorry" - pega

The girls were training in their dankchantix forms, perfecting spells they already knew.  but they all knew it wasn't enough to beat the other fandubs. they needed their bememeix powers.

"Girls. stop" - Natalie

"What's wrong natman" - Yara

"We suck a$$" - Cait said 

"It's true we need to use our bememe-ix powers, we aren't strong enough with just our dankchantix alone

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