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"Natalie sat on her bed thinking and reminiscing on her last few days in the Big city. Summer Vacation was over and it was time for school. Which meant it was time for Natalie to go to Canada. Some say the great land of canada aint real, but Natalien didn't believe the fabels nor the fallacies. Sure she had to leave WiBE for a bit but she was going to do big things as much as she want to say and pow bang the bad guys, she knew it wasn't her calling."

"Why did you say that out loud" - Cait

"Oh my gosh cait why are YOU IN MY ROOM?" -Nat yelled

"Oh lol, i found out i have teleportation powers" Cait said as she teleported throughout the room.

"GET OF MI ROOM, CAIT!" Nat yelled

The door to Nat's bedroom slammed open and in came running, the WiBE girls.

"What is going on in here?!" - Mckenna




"UGH" Natalie yelled in frustration and stormed out of her room. With the other four girls behind her.

"Nat. What's wrong" - Yara

"Idk" - Nat said

"Huh?"- Mckenna

"I think she said 'idk'" Pega

"Girls" - Nat said in between the arguing


"Why are you speaking in caps?" - Cait

"In what??" - Mckenna

"Girls" - Nat


"Whaaaaat?" - Yara said, "YoU MEan lIkE ThIS?!!?"

"How did you say that out loud?" - Pega asked confused af

"G I R L S" - Natalie yelled

The 4 girls stood and stared at Natalie Guest.

"What's up nat?" - Pega

"I'm leaving for school soon and it doesn't seem like you guys care, idk if you noticed but this is a BIG thing" - Nat


"Yeah we have wings we can fly where we want" - Yara

"Guys, we don't use our powers for selfish reasons" - Mckenna started "but if you ever needed us, even to just hang, we would be there in a heartbeat Nat"

"Aww thanks Girls!" - Natalie said "Group hug!"

The 5 girls went in for a group hug, it felt weird tho, something was wrong.

"Wait wasn't there six of us?" - Yara

"Wait wtf, where's kaley" - Cait


Matt sat up , he could hear the sounds of.....frying? Omgosh was he at an MCD? YES! HE WAS! Wait, Matt looked down at this hands, he was being held captive..again. Wow. He looked around him but didn't see anyone.

"YO MATT" someone yelled

Matt did a headsss 360 turn to the direction of where the voice was coming from. Oh hell no. NOT THIS BOY . @God why????

It was arash

Matt let out a sigh "Why are you yelling?!" Matt quietly yelled at the boi

"I couldn't tell if you could hear me or not" Arash said

"Will you two dinguses shut up" Kaley said as she sat up from her pile of burger buns.

"Kaley, wtf, why ARE YOU BEING held here, you have powers, get out of here!!!" - Matt

"That is true, but I saw that their meeting place and hold chamber was a friggin mcD, i wouldnt pass up free mcd for anything!" - Kaley

Matt was shook.

Kaley started to wiggle closer to the fryers.

"What are you doing???" - Matt

"I want a fry" - Kaley said as she butt-schooced to the fries.

Matt was more shook. But was able to notice the door of the mcd opening, it was them. He started motioning for kaley to stop making noises before they got noticed. SHe she was too damn interested in getting a fry. Wow. Matt tried his best to listen in, on what was going on.

Tiago and his crew stepped into the mcd, there were dead people on the floor from the previous fight that took place. He stepped over the dead body in disgust. It was a shame people had to die. But that is the price one must pay to be the best fandub , and if some people's life got cancelled, then so be it.

He sat down at what was once the diner booth to the Local MCD, in front of him sat the 5 pillars of fandubs. "The Flops" , if you will.

"So.." Tiago started "you said you got one of them"

"Yes, she's being held in the fryer room along with two other boi(s)" - Tony

"Why haven't we KILLed them yet" - Anna

"ARE YOU DUMB? We need to extract their powers and use it for OURSELVES!" - Tiago said

"They have the true power of fandubs and I WANT IT" Tiago knew his fanmade copy of the WiBE power unstable, he wanted the real deal.

Just as he was about to say something, he hear a bang coming from the fryer room.

The flops got up and made their way quickly to the room to see the two boi(s) out of the BONDADGE. And the girl in the garbage bin?

Matt stood ready to fight. Arash was confused af,

"Who are these guys again?" - Arash

Kaley..was...still wiggling in the trash bin.

"You're a fool for trying to escape" - Anna

"No u " - arash

"You don't scare us, we have be-memeix on our side right kaley!" - Matt

He didnt get a response.

Matt and arash turned around to see kaley sitting flat on the floor, holding her arm. Wait. ARMS DON'T BEND LIKE THAT???

Kaley looked up at Matt and Arash

"Lol, i broke my arm getting a fry whoop"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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